Transcript Request


It is the policy of CHHS that transcripts sent to North Carolina community colleges, colleges and universities, must be requested through the student's personal account:

Instructions for requesting transcripts for North Carolina colleges and universities through

  1. Create and/or login to student account

  2. Click on High School Planner tab and complete the student planner.

  3. Click on Online Applications and click on Transcript Manager

  4. Select colleges from drop down menu and click submit.

The policy of CHHS is that all official transcripts going to out of state colleges/universities, additional programs, and private scholarships must be mailed directly from the high school.   Transcripts should be requested 5 days before they are to be mailed through US Mail.  Please complete the Transcript Request form HERE or in Student Services. You can return it signed with a stamped envelope(s) to Student Services or email it to Mrs. Lee at


Please visit the JCPS records request site by clicking the icon below.   If you would like to speak to someone, you may call  919.934.0673.

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