Drivers Education

Click HERE to view the Driver's Ed Information ppt.  The presentation provides details on what to expect from the Driver's Ed course, when your child will drive and next steps once the course is completed. 

If you have any questions, please email Jeff Sullivan at or call at 919-802-0367.  

Driver's Ed Parent Meetings

Click link above for a detailed document

CHS Driver’s Education 

Clayton High School is committed to preparing students for all aspects of driving, including making good decisions, dealing with peer pressure, and understanding the laws that govern driving. 

Drivers Education consists of 33 hours of classroom work, a minimum of 6 behind the wheel hours of instruction, and a four hour defensive driving class (Alive at 25). "Alive at 25" is a statewide course developed for teenage drivers in North Carolina. 

Johnston County Public School board policy requires the Alive at 25 course be completed by new drivers in order to purchase a parking permit on any high school campus. If you take driver's ed through a private company, students are still required to take Alive at 25 here at school. Please text Mr. Sullivan if you have questions. (919-802-0367) If your student is signing up for Alive at 25, please include the student's first and last name, grade level, and birthday in the text.

Student Eligibility Requirements for Drivers Education 

● Must be 14 1/2 years or older. 
● Must be high school students Only.  (8th graders during the summer before 9th grade are eligible.)
● Must attend a Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting with (At least one parent or legal guardian).
● Must sign all paperwork. Students doing the driving portion must be picked up from school and dropped off back at school. 

Class Schedule and Requirements: 

A Parent and student must attend the MANDATORY meeting together for the student to be eligible to enroll in the Driver's Education class in the cafeteria. You do not need to preregister for the Parent Meeting
● Parents DO NOT bring the required fee on the night of the Parent Meeting. A $90.00 fee is required for Drivers Education; $65.00 will go toward the Drivers Ed class, and $25.00 will go toward the Alive@25 class.
● If you receive free or reduced lunch, the fee is $57.50.
● All students are required to take Alive@25 in order to pass and to do the Behind-the-Wheel training. Alive @25 will usually take place on the day immediately following the final day of class. Alive @ 25 is required for all JCPS students to obtain a parking permit.

Parent Meeting attendance is Mandatory for a parent and the driver in order to be enrolled in the class. Please do not pay before attending the meeting.

*Schedule is subject to change due to school schedule changes or weather related events.

Mandatory Parent Meeting Dates 

6:30 pm-8:00 pm

in the cafeteria

Class Dates 

2:15 pm-6:45 pm 
(June & July 7:30am-12:00pm)

Alive @ 25 

2:15 pm- 6:15 pm
(June & July 7:30 am - 11:30 am)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 

September 3rd-6th and 9th-12th 

Monday, September 16th

Monday, September 30, 2024

October 7th-10th and 14th-16th 

Thursday, October 17th

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

November 12th-14th and 18th-21st

Monday, November 25th

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

February 3rd-6th and 10th-12th

Thursday, February 13th

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 17th-20th and 24th-26th

Thursday, March 27th

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

April 21st-24th and 28th-30th 

Thursday, May 1st

Tuesday, May 27, 2025

June 2nd-5th and 9th-11th

Thursday, June 12th

Tuesday, July 1, 2025

July 7th-10th and 14th-16th

Thursday, July 17th