AVID- Advancement Via Individual Determination
The mission of AVID is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a kindergarten through postsecondary college readiness system designed to increase the number of students who enroll and succeed in higher education and in their lives beyond high school.
Putting future leaders on an early path to success in school, AVID Elementary engages young learners and provides them with the critical skills to become confident, independent thinkers who have a thirst for learning. Teachers use AVID strategies to provide students with:
Proven ways to succeed in school
Writing to learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading to learn
Note-taking and time management skills
Best ways to work together inside and outside of the classroom
Moving future leaders toward college success and beyond, AVID’s teaching strategies and curriculum build positive teacher-student relationships to ensure student success schoolwide. AVID Elective students:
Enroll in advanced courses (AP® and IB)
Receive academic instruction and tutorial support
Strengthen their writing skills
Improve study and organization skills
Gain “college knowledge”
Visit colleges and explore careers
AVID Sites
JCPS AVID Elementary Schools and AVID Contacts:
Dixon Road Elementary School, Kim Hall
East Clayton Elementary School, Jadelyn McBroom
Selma Elementary School, Charlotte Nichols
West Smithfield Elementary School, Meagan Parrish
JCPS AVID Middle Schools and AVID Contacts:
Clayton Middle School, Sherri Reddrick
Cleveland Middle School, Brandi Ricapito
McGee’s Crossroads Middle School, Angela Barbour
Riverwood Middle School, Melisa Putney
Selma Middle School, Joy Valle
Smithfield Middle School, Marjorie Harris
Swift Creek Middle School, Lee Ann Parrish
Admission into any middle school AVID program may require an application and an interview process.
Looking for the middle school AVID application for one of the schools listed above? Apply here.
JCPS AVID High School and AVID Contact:
Clayton High School, Rachel Langdon
Cleveland High School, Tiffany Hill
Smithfield-Selma High School, Elliott Froehbrodt
West Johnston High School, Katie Nicholson
Admission into any high school AVID program may require an application and an interview process.
Looking for the high school AVID application? Apply here.
For more information about AVID, visit www.avid.org or contact District Director