Comprehensive Assessment System

Assessment is an integral part of instruction because it determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. The use of assessment data assists in keeping track of where and when learning is taking place and whether students are meeting growth and performance goals. Children learn better and faster when teachers have a clear picture of what each student knows and is ready to learn next.

Benchmark/Interim Assessment

Johnston County Public Schools utilizes benchmark and interim assessments to measure student performance and inform instructional decisions.

MVPA (Mastery View Predictive Assessments) and NC Check-ins are used as JCPS’s interim assessments. Interim assessments assess a subset of the grade level/course standards that have been taught. The results are used to assist teachers in determining if their students have learned the content standards that were covered in their classroom prior to the assessments and if there are standards that need additional focus.

Interim Assessments - MVPA/NC Check-ins (October, January, April)

  • Reading and Math Grades 3-8

  • Science Grades 5 and 8 (NC Check-ins)

  • Math I, Math III, English II and Biology (Assessment dates vary based on enrollment)

NWEA MAP is used as our benchmark assessment and is a computer adaptive assessment that provides teachers with insights to skills students are ready to learn.

Benchmark Assessments - NWEA MAP (September, December, April)

  • Reading Growth Grades 4-8

  • Math Growth Grades K-8

Parents looking for additional information regarding NWEA MAP Growth can visit the NWEA Parent Toolkit webpage.

End of Grade

The North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests are designed to measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Students in grade s 3-8 are required to take the EOG Reading and Math assessments and the end of the school year. Additionally, students in grades 5 and 8 take an EOG Science assessment.

End of Grade Resources

End of Course

The North Carolina End of Course Tests are designed to measure student performance of subject-related concepts as specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Student enrolled in Math I, Math III, English II, and/or Biology are required to take these assessments upon completion of the course.

End of Course Resources

Family Guide to Assessment

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) is a program created by the College Board which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. Colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.

For more information or for student score access please visit the AP & College Board website. To view national, state, and local AP comparisions visit North Carolina AP Reports.

ACT Series

The ACT College Admissions Assessment is given to all students in the 11th grade and the Pre-ACT is administered to all 10th grade students. The ACT WorkKeys assessment is administered to seniors who are Career and Technical Education (CTE) concentrators. Beginning in 2012-13, The ACT and the ACT WorkKeys became part of North Carolina’s school accountability program. View the Statewide ACT & WorkKeys Results.

College Readiness Standards
Test-Taking Strategies


The SAT is a standardized college admissions test typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. The College Board states that the SAT is intended to measure literacy, numeracy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college.

For registration information or for student score access please visit the SAT & College Board website. To view national, state, and local SAT comparisions visit North Carolina SAT Reports.