High School Choice Programs

The window for Choice Program applications is currently closed for the 2025-2026 school year.

The application platform can be found at https://jcps.schoolmint.com. Parents must create an account before adding students interested in applying to any of our Choice Programs. Only students enrolled in JCPS will be able to access Choice Program Applications. Students not enrolled in JCPS currently should complete JCPS enrollment prior to applying for a Choice Program Application.

To access and submit a Choice Program application, follow the steps below:

  • Visit https://jcps.schoolmint.com to create your parent account.

  • Add students to the parent account. To do this, you will need your student's Infinite Campus ID number.

  • Once the student has been added to the parent account, parents may choose the program application(s) of interest.

  • The common portion of the application requests general information relevant to all programs, while each program has its own questions in a separate section.

  • Once each the selected program section has been completed, icons next to the program names will turn green.

  • Lastly, complete the electronic signatures and click on the submission button when ready to submit.

  • You can save the application at any time and access it later if necessary.

Program Descriptions

The following high school programs are offered in Johnston County Public Schools. Programs marked by an asterisk (*) offer transportation to students accepted into the program who live outside the school attendance zone. Other programs not marked by an asterisk (*) require that parents living outside the school attendance zone provide transportation if the student is accepted into the program.

Academic Programs

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) *

AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system that utilizes proven practices in order to prepare students for success in high school, college, and a career. However, AVID students and teachers will tell you it's much more than a program; it's a family, a support system that allows students to feel confident in taking risks that will help them develop critical skills in the areas of Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading (WICOR). AVID is committed to helping its students fulfill their dreams to attend college and become well-rounded, positive contributors in a global society. Visit the JCPS AVID site to learn more. Students zoned for Clayton High School, Cleveland High School, Smithfield-Selma High School, and West Johnston High School should contact the appropriate coordinators below for more information. Students outside these attendance zones should contact the SSS AVID coordinator.

School Contact: ElliottFroehbrodt@johnston.k12.nc.us (SSS), RachelLangdon@johnston.k12.nc.us (CHS), TiffanyHill@johnston.k12.nc.us (CvHS), or KatharineNicholson@johnston.k12.nc.us (WJHS).

International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes *

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) and IB Career-related (CP) Programs at Smithfield-Selma High School are academically challenging and balanced programmes of education with final examinations that prepare students, aged 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. The programmes are designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students and have gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. Students apply as rising freshmen in order to complete required prerequisites before entering IB coursework during their junior and senior years. Students accepted into the Diploma Programme work towards earning college credits in 6 DP courses and a world-recognized IB Diploma. Students in the Career-related Programme work to earn college credits in two Diploma courses, along with an Industry recognized certificate in one of three pathways: Business Management, Engineering, or Healthcare. Visit the JCPS IB site to learn more.
School Contacts: kaitlyncollingwood@johnston.k12.nc.us (MYP), CynthiaHutchings@johnston.k12.nc.us (IBDP), and JenniferEarnest@johnston.k12.nc.us (IBCP)

Cooperative Innovative Programs

Johnston County Career and Technical Leadership Academy *

Johnston County Career and Technical Leadership Academy (CTLA) is a five-year Early College program serving students in grades 9-13. Students complete high school requirements while earning an Associate Degree in one of five pathways: Nurse Aide, Information Technology (IT), Applied Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Paralegal Technology, and Early Childhood. CTLA is housed on the campus of Johnston Community College in Smithfield, North Carolina. Visit the JCPS CTLA site to learn more.

School Contact: SheilaSingleton@johnston.k12.nc.us or DesireeStover@johnston.k12.nc.us

Johnston County Early College Academy * 

Johnston County Early College Academy represents a unique combination of public school and community college collaboration. This five-year program (grades 9-13) is located on the campus of Johnston Community College. Students are dual-enrolled in high school and college classes. Upon graduation from JCECA, students will have obtained their high school diploma and a two-year Associate Degree and are expected to continue their education at a four-year college upon graduation. Students can choose from the following pathways: college transfer (earning an Associate of Arts, Science, or Engineering) or STEM (earning an Associate of Engineering or Associate of Science with an Engineering Concentration). Visit the JCPS ECA site to learn more.

School Contact: RobertDaniels@johnston.k12.nc.us or MelodyCasey@johnston.k12.nc.us

Dual/Cross Enrollment Programs

Fire Science Program

Johnston County Public Schools Fire Science Program provides an opportunity for students to earn the certifications and a degree to be employable and promotable within the ranks of the Fire Service upon completion of the program. The program, which is a partnership between Johnston County Public Schools, Johnston Community College, The Office of The State Fire Marshal, and the professional men and women of the Johnston County Fire Service, is located at Clayton High and Smithfield-Selma High Schools. Learn more about the courses here.

School Contact (Clayton High): AustinBarbour@johnston.k12.nc.us
School Contact (Smithfield-Selma High): RalphVitale@johnston.k12.nc.us

IDEAL Academy at South Johnston

The IDEAL Academy at South Johnston High School is a 4-year opportunity for students to obtain skills and college credits in environmental sciences, agriculture and leadership. This unique opportunity is a collaboration between Johnston County Public Schools and the University of Mount Olive. Students have the opportunity to obtain a high school diploma and Associate Degree within 4 years. The IDEAL Academy has 4 student pathways: Agricultural Career, Animal Science, Horticultural Science and the UMO Associate Degree. IDEAL students that elect to take the Associate Degree pathway dual-enroll in classes at Johnston Community College and the University of Mount Olive. This academy utilizes blended high school classes that pair academic core and agricultural curricula. Hands-on learning is blended with PBL instruction and internships to provide students with meaningful and engaging instruction. Students participating in the academy have the opportunity to participate in SJHS Athletics and many other activities at the school. Visit the SJHS IDEAL website to learn more.

School Contact: JoeWalls@johnston.k12.nc.us

JoCo TEACH (Teaching Educators and Coming Home) *

The JoCo TEACH Academy located at Smithfield-Selma High School is a 4-year opportunity that identifies incoming freshmen that are interested in becoming future teachers.  The Academy is a collaboration between Johnston County Public Schools, Johnston Community College, and N.C. State University. The students will begin a dual enrollment program that leads to an Associate Degree in Teaching. Students will then  continue through N.C. State College of Education’s teacher preparation program. Some of the teacher licensure degrees that will be offered by NC State are Elementary Education, Math Education, Technology Education, English Education, Science Education, Middle Grades Language Arts & Social Studies and Agriculture Education. NC State also offers an ESL Add-On Licensure. The ultimate goal of the JoCo TEACH Academy is to identify promising students and prepare them for the teaching profession and have them return to Johnston County to teach in Johnston County Public Schools. Visit the JoCo TEACH website to learn more. 

School Contact: SuzanneSweat@johnston.k12.nc.us

In addition to Choice Programs, Career Academies are available at several high schools for students attending their base school. CTE Career Academies offer smaller learning communities organized around a specific career field or industry. To learn more about CTE Career Academies click here.

Career and College Promise legislation also makes some JCC courses available to high school students. To learn more about Career and College Promise (CCP) click here.