A Reminder to Parents of Students in JCPS:
It is our district's goal to make our school communities as prepared as possible for emergency situations, including inclement weather. In order to be prepared for these instances, we have detailed scenarios in which our normal school day may be altered. In the event of one of these scenarios, an announcement will reach our stakeholders via ConnectEd, the district website, school websites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, as well as local radio and television stations.
We ask that our school communities familiarize themselves with these scenarios so that they are prepared in the event of inclement weather:
Schools Closed - Condition 1
The school district will operate under Condition 1 if the weather is severe enough or is forecasted to be severe enough that our campuses should be closed for all students, staff, and visitors. In this instance:
The school system will identify a student instructional make-up day as soon as possible if it is determined that one is needed.
12 month employees have a remote option (if approved), take leave, or take leave without pay if they have no leave available.
All other employees have the opportunity to make the time up on the designated make-up day. These employees may have a remote option on the day of inclement weather if designated by JCPS.
School nutrition assistants, bus driver only employees (with assigned routes), and teacher assistants will be paid the inclement weather supplement for each day we operate under Condition 1, for up to four days in a school year.
All campuses and buildings are closed for everyone.
Schools Closed - Condition 4 (Remote Learning Day)
The school district will operate under Condition 4 (Remote Learning Day) in the event the weather is severe enough or is forecasted to be severe enough that our campuses should be closed for all students. In this instance:
Students would not go to a school campus.
Staff would receive additional information from the district or immediate supervisor whether to report to campus or work location.
School nutrition assistants, bus driver only employees (with assigned routes), and teacher assistants will be paid the inclement weather supplement for each day we operate under Condition 4, for up to four days in a school year.
Remote Learning Day Instruction
Definition of Remote instruction - Instruction delivered to students in a remote location outside of the school facility.
The instruction will be asynchronous. (This could change based on the length of closure.)
Students will have access to the Learning Management System remotely (Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.).
Student learning activities may be posted in the Learning Management System, or may be provided in the form of paper learning packets in advance of or after any declared remote learning day. These activities/packets will only address instruction that has already been covered in class with students and do not constitute new learning.
All assignments offered during remote learning days will be enhancement/enrichment type activities. No assignments will receive a grade, but will be reviewed.
Parents who have questions should contact their child’s teacher via email.
Schools Closed - Condition 2
The school district will operate under Condition 2 if the weather is severe enough or is forecasted to be severe enough that it is unsafe for our school buses to run. In this instance:
The school system will identify a student instructional make-up day as soon as possible.
12 month employees should report to work if able, take appropriate leave, or take leave without pay if they have no leave available.
School nutrition assistants, bus driver only employees (with assigned routes), and teacher assistants will be paid the inclement weather supplement for each day we operate under Condition 2, for up to four days in a school year.
All other employees should not report to work and will have the opportunity to make the time up on the designated make-up day. These employees may have a remote option on the day of inclement weather if designated by JCPS.
All buildings and campuses are closed to students and visitors.
Two Hour Delay
In the event that it is unsafe for our school buses to travel in the early morning hours due to a weather event, our school district will operate on a two hour delay. In this instance:
All students and staff report two hours later than their usual start time.
12 month employees should report at their normal start time if it is safe to do so.
If it is difficult or unsafe for any individual to make it to their school or site at their designated time, they should communicate that information with their immediate supervisor.
Early morning care will open two hours later than its normal start time.
School nutrition will serve breakfast upon arrival.
Schools Closed - Condition 3
The school district will operate under Condition 3 in the event that our students can not report to campus, however our staff may be able to safely do so. In this instance:
Student day will not be made up based on total student instructional hours.
Operational staff would report to work. Operational staff includes facilities, transportation, school nutrition, custodians, and bus driver only.
No inclement weather supplement will be paid under Condition 3.
12 month employees should report to work (if able), take appropriate leave, or take leave without pay if they have no leave available.
All other employees have the option to report to their work site, take appropriate leave, or leave without pay if they have no leave available.
Early Dismissal
If there is any unforeseen circumstance that impacts our school day, we will:
Dismiss students as soon it is appropriate for us to safely do so.
Site administrator will dismiss staff as soon as it is appropriate to do so.
If the early dismissal occurs prior to noon, lunch may not be provided to students.
All after school athletics and activities, including after school care, are canceled.
Important Reminders
It is important to note that the absence of any announcement indicates that the schools will open as usual. We ask that parents of younger children should have a supervision plan for their children in case school is dismissed early.