JCPS Exceptional Children’s Preschool Program

JCPS Preschool Philosophy

Johnston County Public Schools Exceptional Children’s Preschool Program commits to the following philosophies when providing services to children:

  • Promoting development of the whole child including social/emotional, adaptive behavior, language, cognitive, and motor skills.

  • Providing a safe and clean environment that is child-centered and encourages learning through exploration and discovery.

  • Monitoring students’ progress through a variety of standardized assessments, observations, curriculum guidelines, and parent reports.

  • Supporting and recognizing diversity among children within the school environment.

  • Establishing a partnership between parents and school staff that supports the child during his/her early school experiences.

  • Respecting play for its value as an appropriate learning style for children ages 3-5.

JCPS Preschool Overview

  • All JCPS Preschool programs use the Creative Curriculum® through Teaching Strategies. This is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning and enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical-thinking skills. ​

  • JCPS Preschool group is made of four types of preschool programs: Title I, NC Pre-K,  North Carolina Exceptional Children’s Preschool Program, and Fee for Service

  • The four programs have different eligibility requirements which are listed below.


Please contact the JCPS Preschool Evaluation Center for more information and assistance. 


Ahkeesha Capers
Preschool Coordinator
919-934-1697 ext. 1046

Alison Deese
Preschool Program Specialist 
919-934-1697 ext. 1043

Joanna Bryant
Intake Specialist 
919-934-1697 ext. 1053

Catherine Fouts
CDSA Intake & Transition Teacher | Case Manager
919-934-1697 ext. 1045

Irene Escamilla
Preschool Parent Liaison | Spanish Interpreter
919-934-1697 ext. 1041 

518 South Third Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

JCPS Preschool Evaluation Center Location  Google Map