School Nurses
Did you know that school nurses do more than just put bandages on cuts and ice on bruises? They also evaluate the overall well-being and mental health of our students. The Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice™(NASN, 2016) is aligned with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model (CDC, 2014). School nurses apply these practice components to address social, mental, and physical health concerns at the individual student and population level.
If you have any health care concerns for your child, please consult with your child’s school nurse for the development of an Individualized Health Care Plan.
JCPS School Nurses provide vision, hearing and health screenings, using standard screening techniques, on an “as needed basis” to PreK-12th grade students. Vision screenings are provided yearly for all students in 1st and 5th grades. If you are a parent/guardian and do not want your student(s) to receive any of these services, please click here to OPT-OUT of this health support.