This Week's Story: June 3-6, 2024
Last week staff participated in some fun activities to give our Mustangs some laughter and encouragement before taking the EOGs. Infusing fun in school makes school and learning more engaging to students. Thanks to all staff who participated! You created great memories and gave our students an opportunity to laugh, let their hair down, and have some fun.

This Week's Story: May 6-10, 2024
Career Exploration and Investigation Hands on Learning
Students in Ms. Krzywicki's class experience hands on/minds on learning with this Energy and Power module. The goal of this class is to expand students’ awareness of various careers. Students learn about their career field through activities that integrate math and literacy. Upon completion of the modules, they move to a station where they work with a partner to complete hands-on tasks aligned to the lesson and career field.
Hands on learning does so much for our students. It increases student engagement and knowledge retention, fosters the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills, allows for the physical creation of tangible outcomes, improves social skills and increase motivation and enjoyment in learning.
This Week's Story: April 29-May 3, 2024
Ms. Varney's Seventh Graders Participate in Student Led Learning
Students in Ms. Varney's class are leading their learning as they review reading passages, questions, and their answers. Their discourse was the the epitome of what we aspire to see and hear in the classroom and it was music to my ears. Students discuss the questions, the correct answer, their answer choices and why correct answer is correct in great detail. They also wrote notes about each question and share the notes amongst themselves to process and review.
Student-led learning makes the classroom less of an “institution” and more of a community, encouraging students to support one another and learn from one another. It encourages students to think for themselves, rather than simply following instructions and it provides students with opportunities for self-direction, a powerful sense of ownership in their learning and the ability to explore how their peers think.
This Week's Story: April 22-26, 2024
WICOR Sticker Wall of Praise and Gratitude
A WICOR Sticker Wall of Praise and Gratitude was recently seen in a 6th grade classroom. The teacher has received many WICOR stickers from students praising her for using AVID strategies in her classroom that enrich their learning experiences. Students also expressed gratitude for these strategies.
McGee's students are not only learning how to be academically successful in the classroom with AVID strategies but they are also learning how to express praise and gratitude to others which encourages and inspires. Gratitude makes people feel valued, and positive feedback produces growth and confidence. Our students are learning in multiple ways and willingness to express praise and gratitude is benefiting their teachers in multiple ways!
This Week's Story: April 15-19, 2024
Mustangs Students Participate in Drop Everything and Read Initiative
It was great seeing our Mustangs reading outside recetnly, enjoying a book and nature! Thanks to Mrs. Woll for giving her students this opportunity! D.E.A.R. wonderfully reminds us of all ages to make reading a regular part of our daily lives.

This Week's Story: April 9-12, 2024
FFA Members Extend Learning
FFA members participated in various events during spring break this week. They engaged in livestock and horse judging. Students will compete this weekend. These hands on learning experiences are wonderful opportunities for them to extend their learning, their skills, and their talents. We are proud of our Mustangs!

This Week's Story: March 25-28, 2024
McGee's Seventh Grade Students Participate in Anne Frank Exhibit
Seventh grade students participated in the Anne Frank Exhibit that was showcased at our school last week. The exhibit is created by the Anne Frank House which travels to schools and museums throughout the United States. This exhibit allows students to learn about the Holocaust through the experience of the Anne Frank and her family. Special thanks to our students and staff for their work in preparing for, setting up, and working the exhibit.

This Week's Story: March 18-22, 2024
McGee's FFA Members Win Third Place at Middle Grades Rally
FFA members participated in the state FFA Middle Grades Rally competing in Biotechnology CDE, Biotechnology Quiz Bowl CDE, and Prepared Public Speaking CDE. Our Mustangs competed well and placed third in the Exploring Biotechnology Quiz Bowl Middle Grades Career Development Event!
Our students gain so much from extracurricular, educational learning experiences. They extend their learning of course content, but most importantly they develop skills in leadership and social interaction that will last a lifetime.

This Week's Story: March 11-15, 2024
Showcase of Stars Art Display
Several of our talented Mustangs artwork was selected to be showcased at this year's Showcase of the Stars. Their artwork is on display this weekend at Johnston Community College!
Arts education is so crucial. Years of research show that it's closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity. Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork.

This Week's Story: March 4-8, 2024
McGee's Crossroads Middle School Announces Yearbook Cover Winners
The winners of the yearbook cover contest are Christian Haggerty and Olivia Treslar. Christian, 8th grade student, drew the winning front cover, Horse in the Grass and Olivia, 8th grade student drew the winning back back cover, Mustang Pencil Drawing.
These talented students did an amazing job! Their beautiful drawings will be featured on this year's yearbook. A big shout out to Mrs. Oprandy for giving our students an opportunity to showcase their talents!

This Week's Story: February 26-March 1, 2024
Sixth Graders Learn About Sound in "Chicken in a Cup" Experiment
Students in Mrs. Fountains class learn about sound and how our ears and brain receive, recognize, and interpret it. They explore how sound is made with the Chicken in a Cup experiment. Plastic cups, string, paper clips, and water is used to reproduce various chicken sounds.
Hands-on learning is so important to teaching and learning. It increases student engagement and knowledge retention. It also fosters the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills and increase motivation and enjoyment in learning.
This Week's Story: February 19-23, 2024
Installation of New Bleachers in Gym Underway
Our gym is in the process of receiving a new full set of bleachers. They are a welcome addition to the gym as we have had events in which there was standing room only. I would like to give a big shout out to Mr. Joshua Plisko, JCPS Director of Athletics for working hard to advocate for my request of new bleachers for our school two years ago. A big shout out to JCPS for providing the need. The bleachers arrived last week and installation is underway.

This Week's Story: February 12-16, 2024
Givers to Our Community
This school year's Socktober drive collected 960 pairs of socks and the Jeans for Teens drive collected about 60 pairs of jeans. All socks and jeans were donated to the Smithfield Rescue Mission. It was a pleasure to make this donation on the behalf of our school. The rescue mission was in dire need of these items and was elated to make these items available to members of the community who were in need.
The note below was received from the rescue mission last week.

This Week's Story: February 5-9, 2024
Ms. Ina Lee Recognized as Benson Chamber of Commerce MXMS Educator of the Year
Each year the Benson Chamber of Commerce recognizes teachers in Benson and surrounding communities schools that have demonstrated outstanding leadership and excellence in teaching, This year's honoree for MXMS is Ms. Ina Lee. She was recognized this past Thursday evening for her hard work in and out of the classroom and is the recipient of the Benson Chamber MXMS Educator of the Year award. Congratulations Ms. Lee!