
Welcome to the Princeton High School Academy of Small Business


What is NAF?

What is NAF?

NAF (formerly known as National Academy Foundation) is an industry-sponsored nonprofit with a national network of partnerships that support career academies within traditional high schools.

Characterized as "schools within schools," NAF academies serve a small community of students who are organized as a cohort over their four years of high school. Academy teachers are skilled in both academic and the technical knowledge of the field in which the academy is focused. NAF supports the academy teachers with professional development, training and curricula that integrates core subject area content, career-themed content or technical education under a specified theme based on NAF's input, that of CTE (Career Technical Education) and the local labor markets. Teachers meet often to coordinate the curriculum, take care of administrative details and are involved outside the classroom with local businesses and sponsors to make learning relevant with real-world career support to build strong connections between school and work.


NAF: Be Future Ready

Informational Flyer

NAF: Be Future Ready

What is NAF?

NAF: Be Future Ready

About NAF for Parents

Princeton High School is proud to announce the Academy of Small Business beginning the 2024-2025 school year. The Academy will be open to rising 9th and 10th graders.

For more information, email BrookeWoodard@johnston.k12.nc.us

Application to join the PHS Academy of Small Business is due by April 15.