Dual Language

According to Participatelearning.com, "Dual language education programs provide powerful opportunities to strengthen children’s cognitive potential. Literacy development in two languages and exposure to cultural experiences impact key areas.

Research shows that bilingual people have improved their:

  • mental health,

  • academic performance, and

  • preparation for the future.

It also shows that people who speak multiple languages are more developed in certain areas of the brain."

Students in the dual language program at Polenta Elementary School have instruction in Spanish and English.  In grades K-3rd, students have one English speaking teacher and one Native Spanish speaking teacher.  One day they learn the grade level curriculum in English and the next day the Spanish teacher continues the lesson or instruction in Spanish. This is a 50/50 model of immersion. In 4th-5th grades, students have one teacher teacher that code switches between the two languages equally during instruction. 

Dual Language Application for 23-24

If you are currently not enrolled in the dual language program at Polenta and wish to apply for your child to enroll, please fill out the application.  

Dual Language teachers

Dual Language Teachers


What is a Dual language immersion Program? 

Language immersion programs are exciting options for parents who want their children to have the advantages of a rigorous academic program while also learning two languages — English and a target language, in our case Spanish. Spanish is not a subject; Spanish is the language in which instruction is delivered.

Polenta's dual language program starts at kindergarten and continues through fifth grade. Not only will children be proficient in Spanish at the end of elementary school, they will also be fully prepared to succeed in a traditional non-immersion classroom. Researchers have demonstrated that there are cognitive advantages of bilingualism, particularly on tasks measuring cognitive flexibility and selective attention.

Your child will receive a complete academic foundation grounded in instructional excellence along with learning another language.

All dual language students will be taught the same state-approved standards as other schools.

• The curriculum will prepare students to achieve and to perform well on state assessments, which are administered in English.


Advantages as an immersion student


Bilingual and biliterate: Dual language students achieve high proficiency in the immersion language.

Increased cultural sensitivity: Dual language students are more aware of and show more positive attitudes towards other cultures and other people.

Enhanced cognitive skills: Dual language students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, showing increased memory, superior problem-solving skills and better attention control as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.

Improved self-esteem: Being able to communicate and excel academically in two languages gives dual language students greater self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.

Proven performance on standardized tests: Dual language students show great gains and increased performance on standardized tests in reading and math.

Preparation for a global society and marketplace: Dual language students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where 21st century skills are an asset.



What the Dual Language Program is about:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YssqS_UOdQc&feature=youtu.be

Benefits of bilingual brain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HFqBulqjR8&feature=youtu.be


Our Dual Language Teachers:

Francia Giraldo: Kindergarten Spanish Teacher
Soco Gonzalez: Kindergarten Spanish Teacher
Angeline Yandun: First Grade Spanish
Yusleiby Mosquera: First Grade Spanish Teacher
Laura Duran: Second Grade Spanish
Humberto Juarez: Third Grade Dual
Julio Bedoya: Fourth Grade Dual
Senor Moreno: Fifth Grade Dual

→Technological Resources to Practice your Spanish Skills