Johnston County Public Schools is proud of it's rich athletic past, exciting present, and promising future. All prospective and current student athletes are encouraged to commit to their academics throughout the year, required to follow policies and procedures, and promote good sportsmanship and citizenship throughout their time representing their school. All contests, practices, and workouts will be conducted keeping the health and safety of student athletes and staff in mind. All athletic activities are held in compliance with the North Carolina High School Athletic Association’s (NCHSAA), NC DPI, and local LEA policies.
Participation in workouts is optional for athletes. Athletes and parents should contact their school with specific workout questions and to obtain necessary paperwork (see links below), if needed.
With the current shortage of officials, it is more apparent than ever that we all need to remind ourselves when actively participating or spectating at a contest that sportsmanship is a requirement by all at any JCPS athletic event.
Thank you for your support in the interscholastic sports experience in whatever role you serve.
In Johnston County, we offer all NCHSAA recognized sports and a few additional sports at the high school level.
For our middle schools, we offer 11 sports opportunities.

Below, you have the opportunity as a student, parent, or community member to share suggestions and recommendations through our online Sports Offerings: Interest Form. You also can request expanding the existing program levels currently offered at are schools, like creating a JV team, for example.
JCPS Addition to Sports Offerings: Interest Form
Middle School Athletics:
The North Carolina State Board of Education policy regarding interscholastic athletics and grade level at which students may participate in Middle School Athletics allows for 6th graders to participate in all athletics with the exception of Middle School Football. The policy does allow the local LEA to determine whether or not 6th graders may participate in Middle School Athletics. The Johnston County Board of Education discussed the policy change and decided that JCPS will follow the North Carolina State Board of Education's recommendation. Rising JCPS 6th graders interested in participating in middle school athletics will have to tryout for the team and will be expected to meet all standards and conditions that 7th and 8th grade students have met in the past.
Athletic Handbooks-The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Handbook, the Johnston County Schools' High School Athletic Handbook, and the Johnston County Public Schools' Middle School Handbook contain the constitutions, rules and regulations, and general information concerning interscholastic athletics in high school and middle school sports. It is vital that every school administrator and coach become familiar with the contents of these handbooks.
Any faculty member having a question concerning athletic rules, regulations, and conduct should contact their school athletic director or Johnston County Public Schools' Director of Athletics. At the middle school level, Scholar-Athlete Awards are presented during each sports season.