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Attend is an attendance improvement platform that has the capability to inform parents of repeated student absences in various formats, including text message, email, and mailed letters. 

Through the platform, parents receive notification regarding student absences that include the school name, the student’s first name, and a parental verification link that directs you to your specific message and student’s attendance details. 

To lessen the chances of the notifications being considered SPAM, examples of the various notification types are provided below.

Per Policy Code: 4400 Attendance, school attendance and class participation are integral parts of academic achievement and the teaching-learning process. Through regular attendance, students develop patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life. 

JCPS school administrators are responsible for communicating attendance to parents and guardians and working with students and their families to overcome barriers to attendance. Attend will help us share attendance information with families in a way that will increase our chances to work together to remove barriers and improve overall student achievement!