The Johnston County Board of Education held their regular session meeting on Tuesday, September 12. Below is a list of agenda items presented for action. All exhibit sheets and background information linked on the eBoards agenda.
Agenda Items:
Approval of Minutes - Approved:
June 30, 2023 - Closed Session Minutes
July 25, 2023 - Closed Session Minutes
Approval of Minutes - Tabled:
August 8, 2023 - Regular Session Minutes
August 8, 2023 - Closed Session Minutes
Advisory Appointments - Approved:
Conrad Buie, Josh Holloman, and Dawn Souza - Clayton Middle School Advisory Council for a 3-year term from 2023-2026.
Jerry Thompson, Emily Johnson, Brandon Batten, Debra Westbrook, Bobbie Judge, Carly Folgeman - Four Oaks Elementary School Advisory Council for a 3-year term from 2023-2026.
Jean Lombos - Powhatan School Advisory Council for a 3-year term from 2023-2026.
Administrative Reports and Recommendations - Approved:
Superintendent Reports
Certified Personnel
Classified Personnel
Substitute Personnel
Level III Volunteers
Board Policy - Second Read
Board Policy - First Read
Technology - NWN Cisco AMP License & Stealthwatch Renewal Year 3 of 5
School Nutrition Small Equipment Bid
Contract Transportation
Curriculum - Associates/ELLevation Platform and Strategies Contract Renewal
Items from the Chief Academic Officer
Lexia English Contract - A
Preschool Curriculum Materials
Items from the Chief of Facilities Design and Construction
HVAC Controls and Equipment Upgrades - Package #7
Items from the Chief of Human Resources
Personnel Recommendations
2023-24 Calendar Revisions
Items from the Chief of Finance
22-23 Budget Amendment for Grants and Property
Student Fees
Items from the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative and Auxiliary Services
School Security Camera Updates
School Nutrition Bonus (agenda addendum item)