Lucia Comastri

Lucia Comastri, a teacher at Clayton Middle, is the JCPS November Certified Employee of the Month.

Ms. Comastri goes above and beyond to provide services to the Multilingual Learners (ML). She has a heart that shines through when it comes to serving the school's needs. She has hit the ground running by welcoming all incoming ML students, and making them feel comfortable amidst a new school year with new peers, teachers, and classrooms. 

Additionally, she takes her time to ensure their needs are met, and goes above and beyond to help ensure they're prepared for success. Ms. Comastri has also picked up co-coaching the boys' soccer team alongside her husband, Coach Ignacio. 

She is such a shining star for showing excellence beyond expectations! Mrs. Comastri is 100 percent invested in the success of Clayton Middle's English as a Second Language population. 

Always kind and patient, she constantly advocates for other teachers in communicating with students and their families. Mrs. Comastri is hardworking,dedicated, and cares about her students because she knows what they are capable of doing.