Beth Langston

As an instructional assistant, Beth Langston does a little bit of everything to help keep Four Oaks Elementary operating smoothly.  She assists Ms. Moore with all bus assignments, helps drivers with any situations that arise,  communicates with all stakeholders about bus assignments, and helps manage the bus lot daily.  

She also assists in supervising any students who need a place for a time-out to reflect on their choices by utilizes the SOAR behavior matrix to help students understand better choices that could be made in the future.  She builds positive relationships with some of the most challenging discipline issues and students trust her.  Sometimes students even ask their teachers for a visit with her before they escalate and make bad choices.

Langston manages the Backpack Buddy Program with the school’s social worker each week, feeding over 70 kids.  She assists teachers who may need a break by taking their students for walks or just talking with them.   Langston is an all around asset to Four Oaks Elementary, and the school would not be the same without her.