March Character Education Students

Character Education is a priority for Johnston County Public Schools. Through a variety of means, schools in the district promote character education through rewards, bulletin boards, presentations, and interactive lessons. Each month the Johnston County Board of Education recognizes students who have demonstrated good character. Below are the students recognized for March, 2024.

Jack Grasberger

Jack Grasberger

5th Grade - Powhatan Elementary     

Compassion - Treating others as you would like to be treated

In the bustling hallways of Powhatan Elementary, amidst the laughter and chatter of children, one student stands out for his remarkable compassion and willingness to lend a helping hand. Jack Grasberger, a bright and caring young soul, exemplifies the true essence of compassion through his selfless acts of kindness and unwavering support for his fellow students.

Grasberger's compassion shines through in his everyday interactions with his peers. He never hesitates to offer his assistance and support. With boundless empathy, he approaches each situation with a genuine desire to help and uplift others. Jack Grasberger's kindness and compassion create a warm and inclusive atmosphere within the school community, where every student feels valued and supported.

Dylan Garrish

Dylan Garrish

5th Grade - Riverwood Elementary     

Responsibility - Being accountable for your own actions

Dylan Garrish is the type of student that every teacher hopes to teach. He is prepared and attentive throughout every lesson. Garrish adds his knowledge and expertise to discussions, and also asks great thought provoking questions. You can always see his wheels turning.

One of the many character traits Garrish demonstrates is being responsible. He has his homework completed with attention to detail, and always does it to perfection. He will frequently do even more than is expected. For example, he has taken it upon himself to reread each book to be better prepared for Battle of the Books. The way Dylan Garrish is dedicated to his learning at this age shows that he has the drive and ambition to further his education, and will do great things in the future.

Carson Byrd

Carson Byrd

7th Grade - Riverwood Middle     

Compassion - Treating others as you would like to be treated

Carson Byrd is a student that goes above and beyond in the classroom, and in his everyday actions as a Riverwood Raven. He willingly and selflessly assists a specially-abled student transition from class to class throughout the day. Byrd is patient with the student, and treats him with dignity and respect. Without hesitation, he steps in to serve as a companion and champion for his classmate, which is rare and refreshing among middle schoolers. Byrd ensures his safety, and encourages others through servant leadership to become even more compassionate. Carson Byrd is a student that always acts respectfully towards his peers and teachers.

Elise Barnhart-Mock

Elise Barnhart-Mock

3rd Grade - Selma Elementary     

Dependability - Keeping your promises

Elise Barnhart-Mock, a superstar third grader at Selma Elementary, shows a commendable commitment to her studies and interactions with others. She crushes her studies and treats everyone like rockstars. Elise's consistent display of responsibility and self-discipline serves as an inspiration to her peers and teachers alike.

Barnhart-Mock sets a shining example for the entire school community, demonstrating the positive impact of embodying responsibility, and self-discipline. She sets a bright example for the school community, emphasizing the positive influence of these daily life values.

We are so proud to have such an amazing Yellow Jacket and role model at Selma Elementary, and we congratulate, celebrate, and thank Elise Barnhart-Mock for being that kind of student!

Camila Aguilar Soto

Camila Aguilar Soto

8th Grade - Selma Middle     

Self Discipline - Doing your best in all situations

Camila Aguilar Soto consistently exhibits exemplary levels of self-discipline. She has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to her studies and personal growth. Aguilar Soto always meets deadlines, completes assignments with a high level of precision, and approaches challenges with a resilient and focused mindset.

Her ability to prioritize tasks and stay organized has not only contributed to her academic success, but has also set her apart as a role model for peers. One of the most commendable aspects of Aguilar Soto's self-discipline is the proactive approach taken to overcome obstacles. Rather than succumbing to challenges, she tackles them head-on with a tenacity that is truly inspiring. Camila Aguilar Soto understands the importance of perseverance, and has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to personal and academic growth.

Derek Belleza-Franco

Derek Belleza-Franco

5th Grade - West Smithfield Elementary     

Dependability - Keeping your promises

Derek Belleza-Franco consistently follows school and classroom expectations. He is the kind of student who will do his best in every task given to him. In his AIG class, he always collaborates. He is also a responsible member of the Science Olympiad team. A good leader, he listens to his group members and gives them a chance to engage and share their thoughts.

Belleza-Franco is a consistent role model among his peers, making sure he works on the goals that he sets for himself. Consistent and persistence help make him a better learner. Derek Belleza-Franco thrives in school due to his eagerness to gain new knowledge every day, never giving up, and always striving to learn.