The Johnston County Board of Education held its regular session meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Below is a list of agenda items presented for action. All exhibit sheets and background information are on eBoards.
Board Meeting Highlight(s):
2024-2025 Living Legends
Each December the Board recognizes individuals who have spent their careers in education, impacting thousands of lives and transforming the educational landscape of Johnston County Public Schools. This year the Board was proud to recognize Mrs. Pearl Blackmon, Mrs. Darla Peedin, Mrs. Darlene Williford, and Mr. James Barbour as Living Legends of Johnston County Public Schools. You can learn more about the 2024 Living Legends Awards recipients, HERE.
New Board Member - April Lee
The Board welcomed Mrs. April Lee as the new member. Mrs. Lee has an educational background and brings experience that will be instrumental during her tenure.
Reconvening of Calendar Committee
Beginning in January 2025, the JCPS Calendar Committee will reconvene to create calendar drafts for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years. Once drafts are created, the options will be made available to the public for viewing.
Clayton High Feasibility Study Results
The Board received a Feasibility Study Report for replacing the current Clayton High on the existing site. The entire presentation can be viewed HERE.
Agenda Items:
Approval of Minutes - Approved:
November 12, 2024, Regular Session Minutes
November 12, 2024, Closed Session Minutes
November 18, 2024, Special Session Minutes
Advisory Appointments - Approved:
Mechelle Alford, Derrick Barefoot, Ashley Dunn, Esmeralda Hernandez, and Latifah Nixon - Benson Elementary School Advisory Council for a 3-year term from 2024-2027
Amy McDuffy, Tammy Pearson, Kate Duty, and Vicky Andrews - Clayton High School Advisory Council for a 3-year term from 2024-2027
Administrative Reports and Recommendations - Approved:
Superintendent Reports
Certified Personnel
Classified Personnel
Substitute Personnel
Level III Volunteers
Board Policy - Second Read
Board Policy - First Read
Items from the Chief Academic Officer
JCPS Calendar Adoption Update
Items from the Chief of Facilities Design and Construction
Rebuild Clayton High School - Feasibility Study Results
Design -Build Project Delivery
Request for Easement - North Johnston Middle School
Items from the Chief of Human Resources