FOES $ the pyramid of success collage

Our school recently teamed with Harper For Kids, a non-profit foundation adopting a new character education model based on the teachings and principles of Coach John Wooden.  Students not only are learning impactful principles of success, but have been able to have conversations with accomplished figures from across our country.  

Recently our students participated in grade-level zoom calls with Ric Coy, an athletic director at UCLA and animator/director/author Frederic Du Chau.  During these conversations Coy and Du Chau spoke to students about being principled in their work and using the Pyramid of Success in their daily life.
This week, our 4th and 5th graders will be chatting with Todd Martin, a former #4 in the world tennis player about how he used determination and other character traits to be successful in his sport. 

Additionally, students in Kindergarten and 1st grade did a guided art class with one of the founders of Harper for Kids and discussed character as a superpower.