Testing and Accountability
The Testing and Accountability staff supports Johnston County Public Schools by:
Facilitating State Assessments
Material distribution
Promote ethical testing practices
Validate/Report data
Facilitating and analyzing local benchmark assessments
Supporting student learning by seeking, writing, and using grant opportunities
Evaluating and researching program and curricular practices
Promoting district and school continuous improvement
Administering and analyzing stakeholder surveys
Providing district and school support in data-mining efforts
For additional information about the North Carolina Testing Program or Testing and Accountability results, visit the NCDPI Division of Accountability website at NCDPI Accountability and Reporting Overview and NCDPI Testing Overview.
Parents' Right to Know:
Parents have the right to request and be provided with information regarding any state or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by the state or local educational agency.
State and Local Testing Overview
State and Local Testing Overview - Spanish