Good Things Feature Story: November 27 - December 1, 2023
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, all JCPS campuses will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Friday, Nov. 24. 🦃
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Your voice matters! JCPS is partnering with Research Triangle Institute to help create our new strategic plan and we need YOUR INPUT to shape our vision for schools, students, and families! Today is the last day to make your voice heard! Complete the community questionnaire here:
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
strategic plan questionnaire
Good Things Feature Story: November 13-17, 2023
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
JCPS wants to thank all Johnston County veterans who have served in the US Armed Forces! We are forever grateful to you for your unwavering commitment and dedication to the United States. Thank you!🇺🇸
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Veterans Day
Good Things Feature Story: November 6-10, 2023
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
Your voice matters! JCPS is partnering with RTI to help create our new strategic plan and we need YOUR INPUT to shape our vision for schools, students, and families. Click here to complete the community questionnaire:
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Strategic Plan Social
Did someone say Trick or Treat?! It's Halloween, and we want to make sure everyone has fun, while staying safe . Check out these tips!👻
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Mustangs Athletes of the Week: October 23-27, 2023
over 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
The Fall Sports Awards Ceremony, sponsored by MXMS Booster Club, will be held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
Mustangs Athletes of the Week: October 16-20, 2023
over 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
Students are getting ready for Red Ribbon Week® 2023, Oct. 23-27! This year’s theme is "Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free." JCPS believes in a drug free future for all of it students! Here are some fun activities the celebration going all week long, as we encourage everyone to pledge to live drug free! #BeKindToYourMindLiveDrugFree #RedRibbonWeek
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Red Ribbon Week
Our next Character Education Award recipient for October is Harrison "Reid" Roberts! An eighth grader at McGee's Crossroads Middle, Reid Roberts stands out from the crowd as a respectful and responsible young man. He is a leader who works hard daily to give his best at all times. Not only is Reid responsible to himself, his peers, teachers, and school, he is also very kind, displays good manners, and is trustworthy. He is a great student and an even better person. Way to go Reid Roberts!!!😎
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Reid Roberts
We are excited to announce JOCO Works 2023! This event is a great opportunity for 8th grade JCPS students to explore the many careers paths awaiting them! Scan the QR code to learn more!
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
JOCO Works Save the Date
2023 Mustangs Athletics Fundraiser
over 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
Llamando a todos los héroes: ¡En NSLW celebramos el poder del almuerzo escolar! En la búsqueda del éxito académico, las investigaciones muestran que los almuerzos escolares saludables brindan a los niños la ayuda que necesitan para sobresalir. #NSLW23 #SubedeNivelconelAlmuerzoEscolar
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
La Semana Nacional Del Almuerzo
Today is the first day of National School Lunch Week! This year the School Nutrition Association and JCPS are celebrating the power of school lunch! In the quest for academic success, research shows that healthy school lunches give kids the stats they need to come out on top. 🥗🍞 #NSLW23 #LevelUpWithSchoolLunch
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
National School Lunch Week
Mustangs Athletes of the Week: October 2-6, 2023
over 1 year ago, Mr. Mark Andrews
Let's make some noise for our teachers on #NationalTeachersDay!!! Teachers don't just teach the students of JCPS, they inspire, motivate, mentor, and coach them. Our teachers pour their hearts and souls into their students each and every day. Teaching is a calling, and we are forever grateful to those who have answered that call, and have chosen JCPS to fulfill their purpose! THANK YOU TEACHERS!!!💝👏
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
World Teachers Day
Keeping the National Principals Month celebration going, we recognize Ms. Larkeysha Sheppard, Principal at McGee's Crossroads Middle School! She uses her knowledge and talents to build strong relationships with the students, staff, and families in the Mustang community. JCPS is thankful she is on our team. Happy #NationalPrincipalsMonth, Ms. Sheppard!🐎
over 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Larkeysha Sheppard