red background black and gold music notes pictures of students and title North Johnston Middle All County Band Results

Congratulations to our fourteen Jaguar Band students who participated in the JCPS All-County Band Auditions on Tuesday, January 14th. There were approximately 200 students auditioning, and our fourteen students all did a fantastic job with all of them selected to participate or serve as an alternate.

Our Jaguar Band is directed by Melissa Sevigny!

Seventh Grade Results

Dustin Moye, 1st Chair Bass Guitar

Kinsley Shumaker, 3rd Chair Tuba

Colton Brown, 5th Chair Percussion

Ella Sevigny, 5th Chair Clarinet

Ryker Atkinson, 12th Chair Trumpet

Rydder Hamilton, 1st Alternate Percussion

Jordan Sanders, 2nd Alternate Tenor Sax

Eighth Grade Results

Sawyer Schenk, 1st Chair Bari Sax

Claire Kornegay, 3rd Chair Percussion

Abigail Licea, 6th Chair Trombone

Trelliyah Burgess, 10th Chair Flute

Isabella Carte, 10th Chair Clarinet

Machai Wheeler-Lynch, 16th Chair Clarinet

Nicole Diaz, 1st Alternate Mallets & 1st Alternate Timpani