📚🌷 Calling All Parents! 🌷📚 Get ready for an exciting event - the 2024 Spring Book Fair is finally here! Our students and staff are buzzing with anticipation, and we have an amazing fair lined up for you this year. If you'd like to ensure your child doesn't miss out on the fun, why not set up their e-wallet today? Just click the link below to get started! And here's the best part - even if you can't make it to the fair in person, you can still join in the literary excitement by shopping online! Every purchase made will contribute to our school's total, so let's work together to make this the most spectacular book fair yet. Your support means the world to us - thank you! 📚💫 https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/riverwoodelementaryschool4
9 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Good evening Riverwood Elementary families! This is your principal Mrs. White. We are excited for our Spring Family Book Fair and Arts Night this Tuesday, April 23rd. Book Fair Family Night will be open from 4 pm-7 pm. The PreK through 5th Grade Art Exhibit is floating from 4:30-6:30 pm and the Chorus Performance is at 6 pm in the Cafeteria. We will have food trucks on site. We are excited to see everyone Tuesday evening. Also, teachers have shared the flyer for the Mudcats game this Friday, April 26th at 6:30 pm. Attending this game is a fundraiser for our PTA and we are super excited that our very own Chorus will be singing the National Anthem at the game. Our 3rd quarter Principal Book Club Pizza Party is coming up this Friday. We look forward to enjoying the celebration with those students who participated. Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful evening.
9 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Come see our student art work and visit the Book Fair
9 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Arts Night
Make some noise for Riverwood Elementary teacher Karen Newhart, a 2024 Teacher of the Year semifinalist!🥳 Find out who wins the honor on the evening of Tuesday, April 23rd. We will post here immediately following the reveal! #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
9 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Karen Newhart
Here's to Riverwood Elementary 2024 Teacher of the Year nominee is Valorie Trombley! Next Tuesday evening, April 23, the winner will be announced. Their name will be posted here as soon as it's revealed, so stay tuned! #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
9 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Valorie Trombley
JCPS is looking for Reading Buddy volunteers to help our students this summer! We need parents, grandparents, community members, and high school students to join our Summer Reading Camp participants during morning arrival. Volunteers will listen to and encourage students as they develop their reading skills. No experience is required, but you will need to register and be a volunteer with JCPS before you begin. To sign up: Complete the Reading Buddy Volunteer Form by visiting: https://bit.ly/JCPSbuddy Register to Volunteer with JCPS by visiting https://myvolunteer.com/jcps/volunteer/login Thank you and have a great evening!
9 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Reading Buddies 2024
Good evening Riverwood Elementary Families. This is your principal Mrs. White with a few updates. JCPS spring survey information went home to parents. Spring surveys will be open from April 15-26th. We ask that you take the time to complete the survey so that we can continue to grow and improve. Third quarter report cards will go home on Monday. Please sign and send the envelope back to school. Spring pictures will be coming home next week. Please send in the money by Friday, April 26th if you are going to purchase spring pictures. We are super excited for the Glow Dance next Friday, April 19th. The Glow Dance is free admission for all students and there will be concessions available for purchase. Teachers will be sending the flyer with details to parents electronically and the flyer is posted on the RES PTA Facebook page. Thank you PTA for hosting the school dance! Students need to be dropped off for the dance in the back bus parking lot and student pick up from the dance will be in the front parking lot. Thank you for your continued support and have a great evening!
9 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Congratulations RES Bronze Medalists in the Regional Battle of the Books competition!
9 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Bronze Medalists
We are beyond proud to have Mrs. Sue Ann Hallinger representing Riverwood Elementary School at tonight’s Beginning Teacher of the Year Banquet. ❤️❤️❤️
9 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Mrs Hallinger BTOY Banquet
proud of Mrs Hallinger
Mrs Hallinger in the big screen
BTOTY Banquet
Congratulations to Riverwood Elementary! They won the JCPS Elementary Battle of the Books, and will represent JCPS at the regional competition on April 13th at Corinth-Holders Elementary School. River Dell Elementary and Wilson's Mills Elementary took home second and third respectively. Good luck and we're rooting for you!🥇
9 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Elementary Battle of the Books
We are so proud. RES Battle of the Books team just won 1st Place in the District Competition. Congratulations to all students and thank you to Mrs. Angela West for her support and dedication
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
First Place Battle of the Books RES
We are looking for Volunteers to Proctor EOG tests on May 23-24th. Please sign up if you are interested https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDvdTKbT6639Chj6hU9SCEgllNsOeWC_xN0keD5HdAM9u1Hw/viewform
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
proctor volunteers
Good evening Riverwood Elementary families! This is your principal Mrs. White with a few updates. We are excited for the RES Spirit Night tomorrow, March 25th at Pelicans Snoballs from 3-9 pm. It's the Pelicans that is in the neighborhood. Spring pictures are scheduled for Tuesday, March 26th. 3rd quarter Principal Book Club reading logs are due Thursday, March 28th. Also, Spring Break is March 29th-April 8th. Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 9th. We hope everyone has a relaxing and safe Spring Break. Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful week!
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Tonight is the last night BEFORE our @apexleadershipNC Fun Run to get pledges! Here’s what you need to know: Get those pledges in at myapexevent.com. Get a good night’s sleep. Wear comfy shoes tomorrow. Hydrate and have a good breakfast. Celebrate how hard your student has worked!
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Fun Run Tomorrow
Along with our Fun run on Thursday we are also excited to about Rock Your Socks Day!!
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Rock Your Socks
Good evening Riverwood Elementary Families! This is your principal Mrs. White. We are super excited to have the Apex team at school teaching the students leadership lessons like being proactive to get things done, finding healthy ways to resolve conflict and work it out, and pausing for a reality check to stay true to who they are. Ask your child what leadership lessons were their favorite last week! The Apex team is putting on the much anticipated Fun Run on Thursday, March 21 st to celebrate everything they learn and the money we raise! Students are aiming to get pledges from 10 sponsors to help raise money for the school, and they are earning thank you gifts for their pledges. On average students complete between minimum 26 and maximum 36 laps with 36 being the most they can get credit for. So if a pledge is made for $1 per lap the donation should be around 30 dollars. To donate, please check out your student’s “Apex VIP Badge” that was sent home last week. All instructions are inside. Just go to www.myapexevent.com and use your student’s special “access code” printed on their VIP Badge to log in and enter your pledges. If you cannot find your code, just email info@apexleadershipco.com. Also, we have 9 school days before Spring Break and the end of 3rd quarter. Our students are working so hard every single day. Remind your student to give their best effort and a much deserved spring break is coming soon! Thank you for your continued support and have a great evening!
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Congratulations to our February students who exhibited Self-Discipline for the Character trait of the month
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
February trait
Dylan Garrish is our next March Character Education Award recipient!🌟 Recognized for Responsibility, this Riverwood Elementary 5th grader always has his homework completed with attention to detail, and done to perfection. He will frequently do even more than is expected. For example, Garrish has taken it upon himself to reread each book to be better prepared for Battle of the Books. Great job, and good luck with Battle of the Books! #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
10 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Dylan Garrish
🎉Happy Monday! From Apex: 🧡💙 Tonight's Challenge 🧡💙 •Login- the team in PreK-1, 2-3 & Grades 4-5 to have the most students to login tonight with their access code will get to turn an Apex Member into a Mummy
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
Apex Fundraiser Day 1
We are so proud of Ms Miller and our amazing Showcase of the Stars performers. They did an outstanding job at Saturday’s show
10 months ago, Riverwood Elementary
showcase of the stars