Today is the first day of National School Lunch Week! This year the School Nutrition Association and JCPS are celebrating the power of school lunch! In the quest for academic success, research shows that healthy school lunches give kids the stats they need to come out on top. πŸ₯—πŸž #NSLW23 #LevelUpWithSchoolLunch
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
National School Lunch Week
Let's make some noise for our teachers on #NationalTeachersDay!!! Teachers don't just teach the students of JCPS, they inspire, motivate, mentor, and coach them. Our teachers pour their hearts and souls into their students each and every day. Teaching is a calling, and we are forever grateful to those who have answered that call, and have chosen JCPS to fulfill their purpose! THANK YOU TEACHERS!!!πŸ’πŸ‘
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
World Teachers Day
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to remind everyone that we will be hosting a "State of TES" and our first general PTA meeting this Thursday, October 5th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Please come out and hear some great information about our school's academic growth and goals for the 2023-2024 school year. This Friday, October 6th is our next Thanksgiving Elementary School spirit day. Please wear your TES gear or colors (orange and maroon) to show your school pride. Our PTA will also be selling spirit sticks and stickers for students during arrival between 8:30am and 8:55am. Our fall picture make-up day is October 13th. If your child missed our first picture day in September or would like to have their picture retaken please mark your calendars for Friday, October 13th. Tuesday, October 10th is a Thanksgiving Elementary Spirit Night at La Cucina Italian restaurant by Harris Teeter in Flower's Plantation from 4pm to 8pm. Please come out and join us. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4th. This will be our second annual Fall Festival and this festival will take place at our school this year. More information will be coming soon in regards to this event for the whole family. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. Tomorrow, Friday, September 29th, is our caps/pajama bottoms for a cause day. Students can wear a school appropriate hats or pajama bottoms to school with a donation of $1. The funds for tomorrow's caps for a cause will go to help one of our Thanksgiving Elementary School students who is facing a serious health issue. I wanted to thank all of you for your support for our Fall Fundraiser with Apex Leadership Company. As of today we have raised $18,530 and tomorrow is the last day to contribute. Our goal is $30,000 for enhancements to our playground areas, concrete for underneath our shade structures, and more books for our classrooms. Tomorrow is also the culminating event for students. They will have a Dance Remix in the gym tomorrow during their enhancement time. I also wanted to let you know that progress reports will be coming home tomorrow, Friday, September 29th. Along with progress reports, you will receive the beginning of the year MAP and mClass reports for your child. Kindergarten students will just be getting MAP and mClass reports for this first progress report. Mark you calendars for next Thursday, October 5th. I will be share the "State of TES" and our PTA will be having their first general meeting to share details for upcoming events and how they will be supporting TES this year. I will sharing how we have grown academically over the past two years and our goals for this upcoming year and how our school community can help. This meeting will start at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. And finally, we will have our annual Curriculum Night on Tuesday, October 24th from 5pm to 6pm. This is where you will be able to meet with your child's teacher to learn about the curriculum we use, assessments your child will be taking this year, and how your child will be graded. It is a lot of great information, so please come out and join us. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
There is no school for students on the JCPS traditional calendar on Friday, September 22, 2023. This is a teacher workday.
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Teacher workday
There is no school for students on the JCPS traditional calendar on Friday, September 22, 2023. This is a teacher workday.
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Teacher workday
Good afternoon parents! I wanted to let you know that the local Boy Scout organization will be at school tomorrow (Wednesday, September 20th) talking with students during their lunch times. We will be hosting a Boy Scout information night for parents of students who are interested in Boy Scouts on Thursday, September 21st from 5:30pm to 6:15pm at Thanksgiving Elementary School. I hope all of you have a wonderful Tuesday evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. We will be kicking off our annual fall fundraiser this week. We are partnering with Apex Leadership Company this year. Students will have information for you this week and our teachers will be sending you an email with details as well. This is very similar to our fundraisers in the past for our students. Our fundraiser lasts from September 20th through September 28th, and the students' culminating event will take place on Friday, September 29th. Proceeds from our fall fundraiser will go to adding more equipment on our playgrounds for students to play on and adding more books and text in our classrooms. I have one quick update with carpool. We seem to be pretty steady at finishing carpool around 4:17. Our students are getting into a good routine and that will allow us to alternate our car lines better. Starting this week we will still pull up one line to free up space in our carpool lane, but instead of doing two lines in a row of the same line, we are now able to go back to alternating lines. Thankfully we have not been backing up to Lynch Rd. And finally, I wanted to make sure that all of our families know that students do not have school this Friday, September 22nd. This Friday is a teacher workday for our staff. Thank you all for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to remind all of our families that we have our Fall Picture Day this Friday, September 15th. We have sent home flyers from Lifetouch with how to order your pictures if you choose. These pictures will be the pictures we will use for our school's yearbook, so every student will have their picture taken. I also wanted to remind you that Friday, September 22nd is a teacher workday; students do not have school that day. And finally, I wanted to let you know that we are about to begin our school's fall fundraiser. We are partnering with Apex Leadership Company for our fall fundraiser and we will be sending more information home to you very soon. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help us increase the number of books in our classrooms and make some improvements to our playground spaces. I hope each of you have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. We had a wonderful first day with all of our kindergarten students today. I would also like to praise all of our students, staff, volunteers and parents- we were loading our last cars for carpool at 4:25pm. That is about 10 minutes faster than last year's 1st day with all of kindergarten. That being said, we do have about 70 more students than this time last year and more cars at carpool. Parents if you are coming through carpool, please make sure you move up as close as possible and still be safe to the car in front of you. We had 13 cars still out on Lynch Rd even before our dismissal. If we even out the two lane road and move up just a little closer, I think we can have everyone off of Lynch Rd to make it safe for all of you as well. I also wanted to remind our kindergarten parents that tomorrow is the last day that we are allowing parents to walk their kindergarten students to the classroom. Starting Monday, September 11th, we need for only students to enter the building unless you have a meeting, delivering items to the office, or volunteering at our school. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to clarify our process for breakfast. As a reminder we have free breakfast and lunch for students for the 2023-2024 school year. Students can pick up their breakfast in the cafeteria when they arrive to school via carpool or buses, and then they will take their breakfast to the classrooms to eat. I wanted to thank all of you for your patience with carpool. We were able to finish at 4:10 by the end of last week. However, we have all of our kindergarten students starting tomorrow, so please be prepared for carpool taking a little bit longer tomorrow and Friday. Also, please make sure you have your school-issued carpool tag with your child's 4-digit number. That number is what we type into our system to display their name in the classroom to come to carpool. Our kids have done very well with this change so far, and our staff have said it has made the process inside our building so much calmer and safer. So again, thank you for your patience and understanding. Aside from making sure your students get a quality education, my two main goals is that each student is safe at school and they feel loved at school. Kindergarten parents, please remember we have a Boo-Hoo/Yahoo breakfast for you in our cafeteria provided by our PTA tomorrow morning at 9am. You can join us in the cafeteria after you walk your kindergarten student to their classroom. I thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. Due to Johnston County School's being closed tomorrow, Thursday, August 31st, we will have our Kindergarten Open House on Tuesday, September 5th from 5pm to 6pm. We will start in our cafeteria so I can share some information with all of the parents, and then you will go and meet with your child's teacher in their classroom. Secondly, if you are needing to change how your child is needing to go home during the school day, please send an email or a letter to your child's teacher. We need to make sure that change is in writing; and please send that by noon on that day. This Friday, September 1st is our first Thanksgiving Elementary School Spirit Day. Please wear you Buffalo shirts or colors (maroon and orange). Our PTA will have Spirit Sticks for sale from 8:30am to 8:55am. Spirit sticks are $2 each. And finally, I wanted to explain why we have changed some things for carpool. The past two years we had students staged for carpool in our media center and front hallway. With our school growing quickly, that has become a very large group of students and if something were to happen, we could not get them locked down and safe quickly. Having our students dismiss from the classroom keeps them safer and the movement in the building is orderly and efficient. We have drastically cut the time of carpool the past two days, but I know this is slower than before. However, and more importantly, it is a lot safer for our students and they are able to be monitored more closely by all of our teachers. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding with these changes. Please be safe with this impending weather and I will see everyone back on Friday!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
JCPS CLOSED FOR ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 Due to the impending inclement weather conditions caused by Hurricane Idalia, Johnston County Public Schools will be closed for all students, staff, and visitors tomorrow, Thursday, August 31. This includes all after school activities on Thursday. The district will operate under Condition 1 of our Inclement Weather Procedures. Weather Conditions can be found online by visiting This decision has been made out of an abundance of caution and per the guidance of local and state emergency service officials. We hope that all of our students, staff, and families stay safe, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this severe weather event.
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
JCPS Inclement Weather
We had a wonderful first day back to school and want to thank all of our students, staff, and families for working together to make today a success. We want to share a few reminders to keep things running smoothly in the days and weeks ahead. In the first few weeks of school, it’s typical for our bus routes and carpool lanes to run a bit slower than normal. Our drivers are getting used to new routes, there are more drivers on the road, our students are getting into a routine, and most importantly - we are focused on keeping everyone safe at all times. We ask that you keep these things in mind if our arrival and departure procedures are moving more slowly than we anticipate. If your student is a bus rider, we encourage you to download the EduLog Parent Portal App, for real time information on where your student's bus is on their route. We also want to remind our families that the majority of our schools are offering free breakfast and lunch this school year. All schools, with the exception of Clayton High, Cleveland Elementary, Cleveland High, Corinth Holders High, and Powhatan Elementary, will offer free breakfast and lunch through the Community Eligibility Provision. Families with students attending non-qualifying schools are encouraged to complete a Free and Reduced meal application to receive benefits for this school year. This form, which can be found on the district website, assists our schools in many other services throughout the year, and can be beneficial for our families and students. Lastly, please be reminded that all of our school campuses now have a weapons detection system in place at the entrances of our school. All students, staff, and guests will be expected to pass through the system upon arrival to our campuses. This first week of school is a busy time, with a lot of excitement for our students. Please be reminded that attendance will be taken daily. However attendance calls for students who are marked tardy or absent will not resume until next week. We thank you in advance for your help in making this a great school year.
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I want to thank all of our staff, students, and parents for a wonderful first day of school. It was amazing to see students in classes again. I wanted to remind our 1st through 5th grade parents that tomorrow is the last day that you can walk your child to class. Starting Wednesday, August 30th, we need for students only to enter the building unless you have a meeting or are volunteering. I also would like to thank you all for your patience with carpool and buses this first day. Our carpool system is new so students can dismiss from the classrooms. It will take us a couple of days to get our students used to the new process, so please be patient with us. For buses, Mrs. Best is sending out Remind messages in addition to the app that you can use. Please send a text to 81010 and text the message @buses23 This will get you signed up for her messages- she is good about messaging our families just in case the app is not accurate. Again, I would like to thank each of you for helping today be a great day!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Just one more sleep until we welcome our students back to school!! We hope all of our students get a good night's rest and are excited to take on the day tomorrow! We can't wait to see you in the morning! β€οΈπŸ“šπŸŽ
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
Just one more sleep until we welcome our students back to school!! We hope all of our students get a good night's rest and are excited to take on the day tomorrow! We can't wait to see you in the morning! β€οΈπŸ“šπŸŽ
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information for the start of our school year. I am excited to see all of our 1st through 5th students for our first day of school this coming Monday, August 28th. First of all school starts at 8:30am. We are allowing parents to walk students into the building if you need to the first two days of school. Starting on Wednesday, August 30th we ask that only students enter the building unless you have a meeting or are volunteering. We will have our security system up and running for our front entrance, so please be patient with us. If it goes off, we will ask to look into bags to make sure all of our students and staff are safe. Also, there will be two videos posted to our school's website and our Thanksgiving Elementary School Facebook Page explaining our procedures for our security system and carpool. Please take a few minutes this weekend to watch these brief videos to make sure you are familiar with our processes. This will help make sure it runs as smoothly for you as possible. If you are coming into the building at any time, please only bring your car keys, phone, and ID (which you will need to check out a student). These items will not set off the security system. Also, if you are picking up your child in carpool in the afternoons, please have the school-issued carpool tag clearly displayed. If you do not have your school-issued carpool tag, we will ask you to park and wait to enter the building to check out your child with your ID. I am so excited to see everyone back on Monday for another wonderful school year!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. It is time, tomorrow night is our Open House for our 1st through 5th grade students. Students with last names A through L will come to Open House from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Students with last names M through Z will come to Open House from 6pm to 7pm. Sign-ups for our before and after care will be in the cafeteria and we will have slots available for both times at Open House. Also, our PTA will have a table set up at our front hallway. At tomorrow's Open House you will notice our new security system for our front entrance. We ask that anytime you come to enter our building, please just bring your ID, phone, and car keys (paperwork and medication will be fine too if you are bringing that to the office). For tomorrow night you can bring your school supplies, and based on the items on the list that should not set off the alarm either. If it does go off I will be there to make sure all items are safe to enter the building. I will have a video for this procedure posted on our Facebook Page and website soon. I will also be posting a video with our new afternoon carpool procedures as well. I will send another Connect ED when those are posted. Please take a couple of minutes to watch them to help our processes go smoothly. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Chad Jewett
We're just FIVE days from the first day of school! Can you believe it?! Be sure to check the Johnston County Public Schools mobile app off of your school supplies list! Parents, teachers, and students will use the mobile app for our two-way communication tool this school year! Download it in the Apple or Google Play store today so you're ready for the first day!
about 1 year ago, Johnston County Public Schools
JCPS Mobile App