Board of Education

The Board of Education Welcomes You!

The Johnston County Board of Education is committed to making Johnston County Public Schools second to none. Enhancing opportunities for schools and classrooms will be our first priority. As policymakers, this board shall be responsible for providing a sound, basic, quality education for all Johnston County Public Schools students by promoting rigor and creative academic performance for the improvement of student learning in a safe and orderly environment. The Board, as community leaders, shall provide an open dialogue with mutual respect, working with the Superintendent and local government, securing sufficient resources, and serving as advocates for Johnston County Public Schools. We invite you to attend our meetings and we welcome your support and input.

Even during tough economic times, jobs have been preserved, instructional materials are still provided, schools are safe to attend, student achievement results continue to rise.

Transparency has been a goal of this board of education as a means of building understanding and accountability within the community. It is being accomplished through the use of the district website and the free television cable channel. Examples include monthly postings of board of education meeting videos with minutes and agendas available, hosting radio broadcasts and podcasts featuring district leadership discussing programs and issues, highlighting upcoming events to increase public participation, and recognizing student and employee accomplishments.

Board Information

Johnston County Board of Education meeting dates, agendas, and School Board Policies can be found by visiting the eBoard Solutions page

Board Directory

BOE Group Photo

2024-2025 Johnston County Board of Education

Front (L-R): Kay Carroll, Lynn Andrews, and Terry Tippett; Back (L-R): Kevin Donovan, Michelle Antoine, April Lee, and Jeff Sullivan

Lyn Andrews, Chair

Lyn Andrews, Chair
919-934-6032 x7372
P.O. Box 58
Pine Level, NC 27568
Member since 2020
Term expires 2028

Terry Tippett

Terry Tippett, Vice-Chair
919-934-6032 x7308
532 Simon Road
Middlesex, NC 27557
Member since 2022
Term expires 2026

Michelle Antoine

Michelle Antoine
919-934-6032 x7301
174 Plaza De Luke Square
Clayton, NC 27527
Member since 2022
Term expires 2026

Kay Carroll

Kay Carroll
919-934-6032 x7373
1112 South Lakeside Drive
Four Oaks, NC 27524
Member since 2020
(Also served: 1992-2008)
Term expires 2028

Kevin Donovan

Kevin Donovan
919-934-6032 x7388
4513 Stevens Sausage Road
Smithfield NC, NC 27577
Member since 2022
Term expires 2026

April Lee

April Lee
919-934-6032 x7376
182 Coaster Court
Angier, NC  27501
Member since 2024
Term expires 2028

Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan
919-934-6032 x7374
15 Wedgewood Place
Clayton, NC 27527
Member since 2025
Term expires 2028