red and black background description as to why she was chosen and picture of Tenley Barbour
red background, picture of Mrs. Anders and Happy National School Principal's Day in white with stars and swirls
black trim red background black paw prints and 3 grade level pics of students of the month and the word integrity
red background and pictures of office staff
grey background red paw prints pictures of march employees of the month
Michelles Pitts with QDR radio crew holding award
black background pics of special olympics participants
NJMS baseball team standing behind joco miracle league field sign
Madison holding several awards
grey background with graph paper and advertisement for 5th grade family night and info
red background with stars and swirls with picture of 2 njms AP's
Picture of NJHS inductees
Sheets of music background with 2 pictures of the njms participants in nc honors band
graph paper background with school supplies and info on 8th grade parent night at NJHS
blue background with gold trim and 2 pictures of FFA members
black background with 2 pictures of the chorus students and a picture of art work on display
red background, black trim, 3 pictures of students, and black paw prints
grey background with red lines and splashes in the corners and picture of 3 students that were selected as artists of the month in February
Picture of FFA Advisor and 4 female FFA members that made up the livestock judging team
black background and picture of NJMS battle of the books team with their 2nd place medals