Want to know more about the proposed JCPS assignment plan? We are hosting two Student Assignment Community Information sessions. The first session will be held on Monday, September 30, 2024, from 6-8 PM at Wilson's Mills Elementary. The second information session will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2024, from 6-8 PM at Swift Creek Middle School. Please note that all attendees will need to enter through the front entrance and proceed through the weapons detection system. The Johnston County Board of Education believes in providing thorough and timely information to the citizens of Johnston County. Therefore, the Board is providing pertinent information and soliciting community input. To view the proposed maps, visit: https://bit.ly/3MTMjQY
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Student Assignment Community Information Session
Voters will have the opportunity on November 5, 2024, to vote for a bond that could provide $120 million to JCPS and continue to improve the quality of education we offer our community. It is imperative that all of our leadership and school stakeholders understand the projects that will be funded by this referendum. Join us on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, @ 7:00 PM in the Selma Elementary School Auditorium at 311 W Richardson St, Selma, NC. We hope to see you there!
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
2024 Bond Information Session
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Johnston están en el proceso de seleccionar un calendario para los años escolares 2025-2026 y 2026-2027. 📅 Durante la reunión regular programada del 10 de septiembre, la Junta de Educación de JC recibió tres (3) opciones de calendario para cada año escolar y solicitó que cada una de las opciones de calendario esté disponible para su revisión y comentarios. Revise las opciones del calendario, mire un breve video informativo, vea un cuadro comparativo de calendarios y complete el formulario de comentarios aquí: https://bit.ly/4enhKyO El formulario de comentarios estará disponible hasta el mediodía del lunes 23 de septiembre de 2024. ¡Esperamos tener noticias suyas!
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Opciones de Calendario
Johnston County Public Schools is in the process of selecting a calendar for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years. 📅 During the September 10, regular scheduled meeting the JC Board of Education received three (3) calendar options for each school year and has requested that each of the calendar options be made available for your review and feedback. To review the calendar options, watch a brief informative video, view a Calendar Comparison Chart, and complete the feedback form copy this link: https://bit.ly/4enhKyO The feedback form will be available until Noon on Monday, September 23, 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
2025-2026 & 2026-2027 Calendar Options Feedback
Recent data shows that JCPS performed extremely well during the 2023-2024 year, lowering the number of low performing schools to ONLY 1, making the district the largest district with the lowest percentage of low performing schools! #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
JCPS is the largest district with the lowest percentage of low performing schools!
Based on the current weather forecast, Johnston County Public Schools will continue normal operations on Monday, September 16, 2024. However, all after-school and evening campus activities and events have been canceled due to the forecast. We understand that this decision will inconvenience many after-school events, however, student and staff safety is our primary concern. It is our district’s goal to make our school communities as prepared as possible for emergency situations, including inclement weather. This decision has been made out of an abundance of caution, per the guidance of local and state emergency service officials. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this storm event. We encourage everyone to follow the guidance of local weather officials, and have a safe evening!
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
After school activities are cancelled for today due to inclement weather
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Johnston están en el proceso de seleccionar un calendario para los años escolares 2025-2026 y 2026-2027. 📅 Durante la reunión regular programada del 10 de septiembre, la Junta de Educación de JC recibió tres (3) opciones de calendario para cada año escolar y solicitó que cada una de las opciones de calendario esté disponible para su revisión y comentarios. Revise las opciones del calendario, mire un breve video informativo, vea un cuadro comparativo de calendarios y complete el formulario de comentarios aquí: https://bit.ly/4enhKyO El formulario de comentarios estará disponible hasta el mediodía del lunes 23 de septiembre de 2024. ¡Esperamos tener noticias suyas!
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Opciones de Calendario
Johnston County Public Schools is in the process of selecting a calendar for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years. 📅 During the September 10, regular scheduled meeting the JC Board of Education received three (3) calendar options for each school year, and has requested that each of the calendar options be made available for your review and feedback. To review the calendar options, watch a brief informative video, view a Calendar Comparison Chart, and complete the feedback form copy this link: https://bit.ly/4enhKyO The feedback form will be available until Noon on Monday, September 23, 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
2025-2026 & 2026-2027 Calendar Options Feedback
Polenta Elementary 5th grader Josey Antrobus is our next September 2024 Character Education Award recipient! 🥳 Antrobus was chosen because of her compassion. She is kind towards her teachers and brings them special treats and draws pictures for them too. She models compassion for the students in her class by always following directions, so they have the best learning environment possible. Well done! 👏 #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
September 2024 Character Education Award recipient Jose Antrobus
Let's give September 2024 Classified Employee of the Month Steve Benson a big round of applause! 👏👏👏 Mr. Benson is a custodian at Polenta Elementary. This summer he stepped in as the head custodian, creating a plan for the cleaning crew. Upon inspection, school administrators were informed the building was the cleanest it had been in 15 years! Keep up the great work Mr. Benson! #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
September 2024 Classified Employee of the Month Steve Benson
This is for a transportation change for the TODAY. That means that you have a change for today only, and need to ask the office to change the way your child will be going home. For a permanent change, email your teacher directly. The information is checked each day up until 3 PM. We can not guarantee any transportation changes after 3 PM. You will not need to call or email the school once this form is done. You will receive a confirmation once you submit. Please don't forget to click on "submit" at the bottom of the form. https://bit.ly/TransportationChange2425
4 months ago, Polenta Elementary
Transportation Change
Bus 60 is being replaced with bus 43 this morning.
4 months ago, Polenta Elementary
Welcome back to school!🍎 It's the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year! Today will be full of excitement and some nerves for everyone, but we know this will be an amazing year. Here's to new adventures in learning. Have a great day! 😎
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
first day of school
With 1 day to go, the buzz of excitement surrounds all of JCPS! 🏫 Tomorrow morning, 1st-12th grade children on the traditional calendar will be back for the start of the 2024-2025 school year! To answer any questions parents may have, visit the Back To School page at: www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics . See you in the morning!🎉
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
Only 2 days remain until the start of the 2024-2025 school year begins! Monday, August 26th, 1st-12th grade children on the traditional calendar will fill the halls again. Visit the Back To School page at: www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for any last minute questions. We can't wait! 🌟
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
Three days are left until students on the JCPS traditional calendar return to class! 📅 Next Monday, August 26th, 1st-12th grade children across the school district will fill the halls again. Visit the Back To School page at: www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for information needed to ensure your child is all set and ready to go. See you soon!😎
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
The countdown continues! ⏰ Only 4 more days until JCPS schools are bustling with children. On Monday, August 26th, 1st-12th grade students on the traditional calendar return to class. Visit www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for all things Back To School! We can't wait to see everyone!
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
We are so excited to launch the 24-25 school year with our theme "Together We Glow". We are ready to help your child shine bright this year. Orientation Dates/Times First - Fifth Grades have Orientation, tomorrow, August 22. We will have an Early Bird time for those who want to avoid the big crowds (We are a big school.) The early bird times are 2-3pm. To help keep the parking manageable for all, we divide the times by last name. Last names A-L comes 4:30-5:30pm and Last Names M-Z come 6:00-7:00 pm. Kindergarten Open House is Friday, August 23rd from 2-4 pm. To show you are ready to glow, come dressed in your brightest neon attire. We will have a transportation table, community resource table, PTA will have a merchandise table with school spirit wear, carpool table and more. We ask for families to go online and fill out the beginning of year documents before the 1st day of school. Beginning of Year Documents To save you time and hassle, you can go ahead and sign off on all your child's beginning of year documents. (Well, almost all of them.) Most are digital and found on this link. They are live now and must be filled out for each child. This includes the photo release which allows your child's picture to be in the yearbook and for student of the month. It also includes technology release which gives permission for your child to use a chrome book while at school. (The school provides this.) Supply Lists Click here to view the supply lists for this year. We try to only ask for what we know we will utilize during the year. Your child's teacher also has an amazon wish list. We will send those out the week staff return so if you are able and willing, our staff would be honored if you were able to get them something off that as well. Communication The county will continue using the JCPS app and Rooms this year to communicate. They have worked hard with the company and using your feedback to make improvements to the app over the summer. If at any point you need assistance, please let us know. This is our main form of communication, and we would not want you missing out on pics of your child learning, updates on what they are learning each week, and important announcements. This year teachers will send a weekly newsletter by Sunday night through rooms with what they are learning that week and a Tuesday folder will come home every week with work that your child has been doing. If you ever have concerns or questions, our staff would love to have a conversation with you. The first day of school is Monday, August 26th! Parents are welcome to walk their child in on the first day. After that, we ask parents to utilize the carpool drop off line or bus transportation. Kindergarten families will be notified by their teacher of their first day. Have a great evening and Let's Get Ready to Glow! See ya tomorrow!
4 months ago, Polenta Elementary
Open House 24-25
The countdown has begun! ⏰ Just 5 more days until the 2024-2025 school year begins. 1st-12th grade students on the traditional calendar will return to class on Monday, August 26, 2024. Visit www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for all things Back To School! We hope you are as excited as we are to kick off another exciting year!
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school
The countdown has begun! ⏰ Just 5 more days until the 2024-2025 school year begins. 1st-12th grade students return to class on Monday, August 26, 2024. Visit www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for all things Back To School! We hope you are as excited as we are to kick off another exciting year!
4 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
back to school