Our buses may be running 30 minutes late this afternoon. The high school dismissed late due to the weather. Buses 19 and 642 will be on time.

Johnston County Public Schools values your feedback! 💻
We will be surveying JCPS families in order to gain insight into your perception of our schools and district's effectiveness. To ensure we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback.
You may complete the survey online between March 17th - March 28th using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by clicking the following link: https://bit.ly/4i1CG0x
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please contact your child’s school.

CORRECTION TO THE PREVIOUS MESSAGE...So sorry, the teacher workdays are next TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th and MARCH 12th.

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders for the week ahead.
This week is "Read Across America Week". There will be fun activities for RDE students and staff to participate in each day. On Monday, it's time to wear green or your favorite RDE Spirit Wear. Tuesday wear a college or destination shirt. On Wednesday we invite everyone to wear crazy sock and/or mismatched clothes. Thursday have fun dressing as your favorite Dr. Seuss character. And on Friday wear your favorite hat to school. Friday we are excited to welcome some special guest readers as well to read to our classes.
Next week on Monday, March 10th and Tuesday, March 11th, there will be no school for students. These are both JCPS Teacher workdays.
A reminder that the tardy bell rings every morning at 8:55am, and students should be in their seats, in the classroom by that time. If students arrive after that, and there are no adults outside, a parent must walk them inside to check them in.
We hope everyone has a great week and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.

REMINDER: Tomorrow is Caps & PJ Bottoms for a Cause. All proceeds will go to one of our students who has unexpectedly lost his parent. Students and staff can pay $1.00 to wear a hat and/or pj bottoms all day.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is RDE CLASS GROUP PICTURE DAY.

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders for the week. It seems as though we will be having some warmer weather this week, and everyone will be able to jump back in to our normal routines.
On Wednesday, the PTA will be selling Spirit Sticks and Stickers before school. Thursday , remember to dress your best for RDE Class Picture Day. On Friday, we will do our Caps and PJ Bottoms for a Cause event that was originally scheduled for last Friday. Students and staff members can wear a hat and/or pj bottoms for only $1.00. We have an RDE family that is currently in need due to the sudden passing of a parent, and all proceeds from Friday's Caps and PJ Bottoms for a Cause event will go to support this student's family.
We hope everyone has a great week, and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer, Have a good night.

Due to the inclement weather and the forecast for hazardous conditions, Johnston County Public Schools will remain closed for all students and staff on Friday, February 21, 2025, and all extracurricular activities have been canceled. The district will operate under Condition 4 of the inclement weather plan.
Condition 4 is the Remote Learning Day option. Please visit the JCPS website at www.johnston.k12.nc.us/weatherconditions for full details.
As always, safety is our top priority as we follow the guidance of local safety and emergency officials. We will continue to monitor the conditions and provide updates as they become available, particularly regarding weekend facility usage and extracurricular activities for Saturday.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Due to the inclement weather conditions, Johnston County Public Schools will remain closed for all students and staff on Thursday, February 20, 2025, and all extracurricular activities have been canceled. The district will operate under Condition 4 of the inclement weather plan.
Condition 4 is the Remote Learning Day option. Please visit the JCPS website at www.johnston.k12.nc.us/weatherconditions for full details.
As always, safety is our top priority as we follow the guidance of local safety and emergency officials. We will continue to monitor the conditions and provide updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Due to the forecast for inclement weather, Johnston County Public Schools will be closed for all students and staff on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, and all extracurricular activities have been canceled. The district will operate under Condition 4 of the inclement weather plan.
Condition 4 is the Remote Learning Day option. Please visit the JCPS website at www.johnston.k12.nc.us/weatherconditions for full details. As a reminder: All assignments offered during remote learning days will be enhancement/enrichment type activities. No assignments will receive a grade, but will be reviewed. Parents who have questions should contact their child’s teacher via email.
As always, safety is our top priority as we follow the guidance of local safety and emergency officials. We will continue to monitor the conditions and provide updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Good evening racer families, this is just a reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow. Tomorrow is a teacher workday. We will see you all on Tuesday!

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders.
We were excited to welcome everyone back on this chilly Monday. A quick reminder that the tardy bell rings at 8:55, and students need to be in their seats, in their classrooms, by that time. Please make every effort to drop off students before 8:55am.
Our Coin Wars had a fantastic kick-off today! Students were excited to bring in their coins to compete against other grade levels and raise money for their classrooms. Here are the standings so far: 7th place - 5th grade, 6th place - Kindergarten, 5th place - 4th grade, 4th place - 2nd Grade, 3rd place - PreK and E.C., 2nd place - 3rd Grade, and currently in 1st place - 1st grade! We can't wait to see who will take the lead tomorrow. Remember, in the end, everyone wins since all of the proceeds will be divided among grade levels.
We hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Remember once a Racer, always a Racer. Have a good night.

Please come out to the PTA Meeting this evening at 6:00. It will be in the RDE Media Center. Everyone is welcome! Childcare is provided for RDE students. See you soon!

Coin Wars is a fundraiser where grade-level teams compete against each other to earn the most points. Students bring in cash and pennies to place in their team jar for positive points and silver coins to decrease the amount of points in the other teams' jars. Of course, in the end, everyone wins as the proceeds will be divided between grade levels. Click on the link below for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_nhpW4Awej5f1E6EkRBkIt7zq7owK8u/view?usp=sharing

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements.
We have had a great start to our week, students and teachers have been busy and working hard. Progress reports came home today. Please ensure that you look over these this evening, and reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.
On Thursday evening we have our next PTA meeting. It is at 6:00 in the Media Center. We encourage everyone to come out to hear the latest PTA updates and news, and find out what is coming up.
It seems as though a season of illnesses is upon us, and we want to remind everyone that students who have been home sick should not return to school unless they have been fever free for 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Also, please make sure to send in a note with your child when they return.
We hope you all have a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.

Let's hear it for Mrs. Loan Such! She is JCPS Classified Employee of the Month for January 2025.👏
She has worked with JCPS for nearly 30 years, and is currently a teacher assistant at River Dell Elementary. Her peers say she is proactive and takes initiative. She makes great connections with the students, as well as the staff.
It doesn't hurt that she's also an amazing cook, and loves to share her delicious treats.🧁
Find out more about Mrs. Such in her Spotlight Q&A here: https://bit.ly/42Cd9pM

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders for the week ahead.
This week there is an early release day for all Johnston County Schools on Wednesday, January 29th. Dismissal on that day will begin at 1:45.
Also, since we didn't have school last Wednesday, Spirit Sticks and stickers will be sold before school in the hallway this Wednesday. Spirit Sticks are $1.00 and stickers are less than $1.00 each.
A reminder that the tardy bell rings at 8:55 each morning, and we really would love for students to be in their seats in their classrooms by that time. We have noticed that there is a little lull in the morning carpool line between 8:35 and 8:45 if you want to get through the line pretty quickly. Thanks for your help with this. If you do arrive after 8:55, please walk with your child into the office to sign them in.
Lastly, as we are seeing lots of coats in our lost and found, we would like to encourage all parents, no matter the age or grade of your student, to write your child's name inside their coats before returning tomorrow. This will be a huge help in returning coats to students in a timely fashion.
We hope everyone has a great week. Hopefully we will be seeing some warmer temperatures very soon. Have a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.

Due to the hazardous road conditions caused by the recent winter weather event, Johnston County Public Schools will be closed for all students tomorrow, Friday, January 24, 2025, as well as all extracurricular activities. The district will operate under Condition 3 of the inclement weather plan.
For JCPS staff, this day will become an optional teacher workday. Schools and county offices will open at 10 AM.
As always, safety is our primary concern and after driving our roadways and receiving guidance from local safety officials and NCDOT, we have been advised that though the main roads within high-traffic areas may be clear, many secondary roads within the rural areas of the county are expected to still have hazardous conditions through Friday, making them unsafe for JCPS transportation use. In addition, many of our campuses have shaded walkways, parking lots, and areas that must continue to be assessed by our operational staff before students may safely return.
Extracurricular activities and community facility use will resume on Saturday morning, however, we still encourage site visitors to travel safely and be cautious while on campus, particularly in shaded areas.
Have a great weekend everyone and make the most of what is left of the snow!

Due to the hazardous conditions caused by the recent winter weather, all JCPS schools and office buildings will be closed for students and staff on Thursday, January 23, 2025, as well as all after-school activities and events.
JCPS will operate under Condition One of the Inclement Weather Plan. Please view the details of the plan by visiting the JCPS website at www.johnston.k12.nc.us/weatherconditions.

Hello Racer Families: