Students that ride bus 609 will arrive home about 15 to 20 minutes earlier today. Thanks!!
about 2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders. We hope everyone had a great three day weekend. On Thursday this week we will be having a PTA meeting in our Media Center at 6:00. We encourage all RDE parents to attend. Childcare will be provided for school age students. On Friday, we will have a Caps and PJ Bottoms for a Cause event. Students and staff can wear a hat and/or pj bottoms for $1.00. All proceeds will go to a RDE family in need. We hope everyone has a wonderful night. Remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Bus 609 is loading now and will leave RDE soon. Thank you for your patience.
2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Students that ride Bus 609 are still here. It's delayed 30 minutes. You may pick up your child in the back you wish.
2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders. Tonight is Spirit Night at La Cucina Italiana in the Harris Teeter shopping center. It is from 4:00-8:00. A portion of all proceeds will come right back to River Dell. Take the night off from cooking, and come out and enjoy some pizza, pasta, salads, or subs and sandwiches. Tomorrow is picture make-up day. Any student that ordered pictures and wants a retake may do so if they return their original package. All students that didn't have their picture taken the first time need to do it tomorrow. There is no school on Monday, November 11th for Veterans Day. Have a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders. Tomorrow, Tuesday November 5th is a JCPS Teacher Workday. There will be no school for students. We are excited about the upcoming RDE Spirit Night at La Cucina Italiana in the Harris Teeter shopping center. It is on Wednesday from 4:00-8:00. A portion of all proceeds will come right back to River Dell. Take the night off from cooking, and come out and enjoy some pizza, pasta, salads, or subs and sandwiches. See you on Wednesday! Thursday will be picture make-up day for any students and staff who were not here on picture day. We hope you all have an amazing week. Remember, once a Racer, always a Racer, have a great night!
2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Bus 609 is loading now! Bus 609 is delayed about 25 minutes due to traffic issues. I will send a message when it arrives on campus.
2 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer Families! Tonight is Family Night at the Book Fair. It will be open until 7:00pm. Tomorrow is "Crazy Socks and Crazy Hair" day for Red Ribbon Week. Thursday is "Dress as your favorite book character" day. Report cards came home today. Make sure to check your child's backpack. Sign and return the report card envelope tomorrow. Also, a reminder that there is no school for students next Tuesday as we are a voting site. Have a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
2 months ago, Jenny Durko
There are some bus changes for today. Students that ride bus 770 will ride home with students on the bus 769. Students that ride bus 609 will come home on bus 770. No delays are expected.
3 months ago, River Dell Elementary
It's a brand new day and we're still celebrating our principals! Ms. Jenny Durko, principal at River Dell Elementary is our next honoree for #NationalPrincipalsMonth!🏇 Ms. Durko is a proud River Dell Racer, and has great enthusiasm and expectations for the school. She is passionate about creating the very best environment for students to learn. River Dell Elementary students are treated as unique individuals and are encouraged to do their best in everything they do. We celebrate you Ms. Durko! 💙💚
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
River Dell Elementary Principal Jenny Durko
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders. This week continues our Book Fair as well as Grandparents' Week. Please check the schedule that is posted on our RDE website. This week is also Red Ribbon Week. All homeroom teachers should have sent out a schedule for daily events. Tomorrow all staff and students are encouraged to wear RDE Spirit Wear. On Tuesday, report cards will be coming home for all students. Tuesday is also Book Fair Family Night. Students are invited to visit the Book Fair with family members anytime between 4:00 and 7:00. A reminder that the tardy bell rings daily at 8:55am daily, and we strive to have all students in their classrooms, in their seats by 8:55. Afternoon carpool has been finishing up earlier each day, and we respectfully request that all parents arrive on campus no later than 4:15pm. Thank you for your cooperation with this. We hope everyone has a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
3 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders. Today's Fun Run event was really amazing. Students had a fantastic time and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. Thank you to the Apex Team, our wonderful PTA, and all of the parents and family members that came out to support our students today. Pledging will remain open through Sunday. Tomorrow is the first day of our school Book Fair. This is always a favorite event for our students. Tomorrow is also the start of Grandparents Week. Grandparents or Grandfriends are invited to come eat lunch with students, take a special Fall Picture together, and then visit the Book Fair together as well. All homeroom teachers should have shared their specific schedule for the Book Fair as well as Grandparents Week. We hope everyone has a wonderful evening and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer. Have a good night.
3 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hope to see you today!
3 months ago, Jenny Durko
fun run schedule
JCPS wrapped up the 2023-2024 school year ranked 35th in the state overall! 💪 Now we are future-focused on our 2029 goal of being in the top 20% in the state. With the best teachers, students, and parents giving their all, we will get there! 📚🏫🎓 #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
JCPS ranked 35th in the state overall for the 2023-2024 school year.
Hello Racer families this is Ms. Durko with some reminders… Tomorrow is our fun run. We are so excited for this event. Thank you so much for your support as we work to reach our goals. You can still make donations tonight and we hope to see lots and lots of parents and families supporting their kids tomorrow at the event. Make sure your students wear their field trip T-shirts tomorrow and good pairs of tennis shoes. Also, make sure they eat a good breakfast and get a great nights sleep tonight. We hope everyone has a fantastic night, and remember once a Racer, always a Racer!
3 months ago, Jenny Durko
We continue to grow and improve each & every day! 🌟 JCPS English learners showed more improvement than the state average in back-to-back years! 👏 #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
English learners showed more improvement than the state two years in a row.
One last reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22, 2024, for JCPS students on the traditional calendar. 📅
3 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
No school on 10/22 for JCPS students
We need your help this Wednesday! Help give the teachers a MUCH deserved and needed break! Sign up to supervise and assist students during lunch. Check out the following link to see the schedule and sign up... it is GREATLY appreciated!
3 months ago, Lindsey Samarel
lunch duty
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders for the week ahead. Tuesday there is no school for students as it is a JCPS teacher workday. Thursday is our Fun Run event. Keep getting those pledges in! We want to invite all parents to this exciting event. A schedule for the day is posted on our RDE PTA Facebook page as well as our RDE website. We will also have a Boy Scout/Cub Scout interest meeting Monday evening at 5:30 in the media center. Every student that attends will hear great information and will also receive a kit to make their very own Pinewood Derby car. We hope to see you there. Have a great evening and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
3 months ago, Jenny Durko
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders. Our students are having a great time learning how to be leaders in our school and in their every day life with our Apex Fun Run Crew. The challenge for everyone tomorrow is to see which class can wear the most ORANGE and/or BLUE. Keep getting those pledges to help our school! Tomorrow is also Caps/PJ Bottoms for a Cause Day. For $1.00 students and staff can wear a hat and/or pj bottoms to school. All money collected will go to a Racer Family in need. Next Tuesday is a JCPS Teacher Workday, and there is no school for students. Parents, this is a reminder that our students are to walk to their classes independently each day. They have done a fantastic job with this, and they are showing great responsibility. If you need to meet with a teacher, please email or send a Rooms message to make an appointment. We will not be able to allow unannounced visitors to the classrooms as teachers are working hard delivering awesome instruction to their classes during the day and we don't want to cause any unnecessary interruptions. Thanks for your cooperation with this. We hope everyone has a good evening. Remember, once a Racer, always a Racer. Have a great night.
3 months ago, River Dell Elementary