Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. Our students do not have school tomorrow, March 5th, it is a teacher workday. We are celebrating Read Across America Week this week. Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday- students can wear wacky clothes that are still in dress code; Thursday is Theodore Thursday- come dressed like your favorite storybook character; and Friday is Future Friday- dress up as your future career. Our school dance is this Saturday, March 9th. Our pre-k, kindergarten, and 1st grade students will have their dance from noon to 1:30pm; our 2nd and 3rd grade students will have their dance from 2pm to 3:30pm; and our 4th and 5th grade students will have their dance from 4pm to 5:30pm. Our theme is Out of this World and I know our students will have an out of this world time. Please visit the Thanksgiving Elementary School PTA Facebook page for details, tickets, and how to volunteer (we are still in need of volunteers to help make this a great event for our students). And finally, we will be sending flyers home about spring pictures. Spring picture day is on March 13th. Please make sure that your child's name is on the upper right hand corner. If it is not your child's name, please return it to the teacher and we will send home the right flyer. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
8 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to let you know that we have a general PTA meeting tomorrow evening at 6pm in our media center. We will be reviewing our PTA budget, upcoming events, and how you can get involved at our school. I will also be present to help answer any questions related to the different calendar options for next year from our school board and share our current progress toward our academic goals for this year. Please come out and join us! This Friday, March 1st, is our next Spirit Day. We would love for our students to wear their TES gear or colors (maroon and orange) to school. Our PTA will have spirit sticks and stickers for sale during our arrival time. Parents, this is a big one. We are having more and more issues involving our students and social media (Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.). I have talked with our 4th and 5th grade students directly, but I wanted to make sure you as parents know as well. Anytime a student posts or shares things online that creates a disruption at school, or in considered threatening to staff or students, or creates a conflict at school that student or those students can and will be suspended. I have had to deal with many students sending, sharing, typing inappropriate images and messages lately. Parents, please speak to your child about the importance of being responsible with their internet access and how getting involved with inappropriate uses of social media and texts can have severe consequences. And finally, next Tuesday, March 5th, is voting day and our students to not have school since we are a voting site. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
8 months ago, Chad Jewett
Last night, JCPS celebrated the 2024 Leading with the Heart recipients!💝 The event, inspired by Mike Krzyzewski’s book, “Leading with the Heart,” recognizes those staff members throughout the school system that demonstrate leadership, compassion, and heart on a daily basis. One person from every school as well as central services was nominated by their peers, because of their unwavering commitment and dedication to their role. We honor the 53 amazing members of the JCPS family for their work that clearly does not go unnoticed! Thank you!✨ Stay tuned for an event recap video... #ILeadWithMyHeart
8 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Leading with the Heart
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. We have our 3rd annual Staff/Parent Basketball game this Friday, February 23rd at Archer Lodge Middle School. The women's game, which is Team Parrella vs. Team Mozingo, will start at 6pm. The men's game, which is team Hopewell vs. Team Jewett, will start immediately after the women's game. Admission is just one non-perishable food item per person (you are welcome to bring more than one) for families in need in our community. Our PTA will also have pizza and concessions for sale as well. Please come out and cheer us on; this is a great event! I wanted to make sure that all of you know that our students will not have school on Tuesday, March 5th. That is a voting day and our school will be a voting site. It is an optional workday for our staff. And finally, I am excited to announce that we will have 3rd annual Spring Dance for our students on Saturday, March 9th. Our pre-k, kindergarten, and 1st grade students have their dance from noon to 1:30pm; our 2nd and 3rd grade students have their dance from 2pm to 3:30pm; and our 4th and 5th grade students have their dance from 4pm to 5:30pm. Please visit our Thanksgiving Elementary School PTA Facebook page for details. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
8 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I know I have mentioned this in previous messages, but I want to make sure that all of our families are aware that students do not have school next Monday, February 19th; that is a teacher workday. I am also excited to announce that our 3rd annual staff/parent basketball game is on Friday, February 23rd at Archer Lodge Middle School. Admission is just one non-perishable food item per person to help us provide food for families in need in our community; you can definitely bring more than one if you would like. Our women's game will start at 6pm and our men's game will start at 7pm. We will have pizza and concessions for sale as well. Please come out and cheer our staff and parents on! It is a great community event. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
9 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I know that we have Valentine's Day this Wednesday, February 14th, but I wanted to make sure that all of our parents know that balloons and flowers are not allowed on the school buses. I also wanted to make sure that all of you know that our students do not have school next Monday, February 19th. This is a teacher workday. I hope all of you have a wonderful evening and thank you for all of your support for Thanksgiving Elementary School!
9 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to let you know that we have some upcoming teacher workdays where students will not have school. Students will not have school on Monday, February 19th and they will not have school on Tuesday, March 5th. Both of these days are teacher workdays. March 5th is a new addition to the calendar since it is voting day and we are a voting site. I am excited to announce that we will have our 3rd annual staff/parent basketball night to raise food for our families in need in our school community. The game will take place on Friday, February 23rd at Archer Lodge Middle School. The women's game will start at 6pm and the men's game will start at 7pm. Please come out for a great time cheering on our staff and parents. We will have concessions available for sale as well including pizza and that will be cash only. We have our next Thanksgiving Elementary School Spirit Night on Thursday, February 15th at Primo Pizza on Main Street in downtown Clayton between 3pm and 9pm. A portion of all sales, both take out and dine in, will go towards our school if you mention you are with Thanksgiving Elementary School. Revolution Martial Arts is hosting a Parents Night Out on February 17th from 6pm to 9pm. There are only 30 slots available on a first come first serve basis. Please sign up on the Thanksgiving Elementary School PTA Facebook page. And finally, mark your calendars for Saturday, March 9th for our 3rd Annual Spring Dance for our students. Our Pre-K through 1st grade dance from noon to 1:30pm; our 2nd and 3rd grade dance from 2pm to 3:30pm; and our 4th and 5th grade dance is from 4pm to 5:30pm. More details on how to purchase tickets will be coming home in your child's folders soon. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
9 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to let you know that tomorrow, Friday, February 2nd, will our next Thanksgiving Elementary School Spirit Day. We would love for all of our staff and students to wear their TES spirit wear or school colors (maroon and orange). Our PTA will also have spirit sticks and stickers for sale during arrival from 8:30am to 8:55am. And finally, I wanted to let you know that we will be sending home report cards on Monday, February 5th. Along with these report cards you will be receiving the most recent benchmark assessment data for your child. If there is a concern with your child's progress so far this school year, you will also receive an at-risk letter outlining any areas of concern. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
9 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Chad Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to let you know that our next Caps/Pajama Bottoms for a Cause day is tomorrow, Friday, January 19th. Students can wear school appropriate caps or pajama bottoms with a $1 donation. The money will go to help families in need in our school community. The end of the 2nd quarter is Wednesday, January 24th. Students will not have school next Thursday, January 25th and Friday, January 26th. These two days are teacher workdays. Our VIP carpool raffle is still going on. Please visit the Thanksgiving Elementary School PTA Facebook page for more details and to purchase raffle tickets. And finally, we are in need of volunteers to help provided a duty-free lunch for our teachers on February 16th. This is Valentine's Day week and we would like to show our staff how much we love them with a duty free lunch. Please visit the PTA Facebook page to sign up. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
9 months ago, Chad Jewett
Johnston County Public Schools offers many career opportunities for aspiring professionals and we are hiring! Discover why Johnston County is an ideal location to live and work, and why JCPS is the best place for a career. With competitive pay, state health benefits, and incentives, we are the place to grow. Check out our Job Fair on Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 9 AM to 12 PM. Hope to see you there!😎 #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
9 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Job Fair
Jordyn Williams is our next January Character Education Award recipient! A fifth grader at Thanksgiving Elementary, she values her fellow classmates, is responsible, and is accountable for herself. Her teachers note she is incredibly respectful to all adults she interacts with.
10 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Jordyn Williams
Jordyn Williams is our next January Character Education Award recipient! She is in fifth grade at Thanksgiving Elementary and was chosen for Respect. Williams sees and values her fellow classmates, is responsible, and holds herself accountable for how she treats others and her school materials. Williams' teachers note that she is incredibly respectful to her teachers, and all the adults she interacts with. Congratulations!✨ #GreatThingsAreHappeningInJCPS
10 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Jordyn Williams
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to remind all of you that we do not have school on Monday, January 15th in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Our students will return to school on Tuesday, January 16th. We have our class pictures on Thursday, January 18th with Lifetouch. This is where they will be taking pictures of the whole class with their teacher. And finally, I wanted to remind you that our VIP Carpool Raffle has started. You can visit the TES PTA Facebook page for all of the details. I also wanted to remind parents that we have to use carpool to drop off students in the morning. We only allow parents to walk their child to school if you have a meeting, volunteering, or dropping off items at the office. This helps make sure our parking lot and carpool runs as smoothly as possible. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!
10 months ago, Chad Jewett
Under the guidance of local emergency officials and out of an abundance of caution, JCPS will operate on a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Everyone is encouraged to drive with caution when traveling.
10 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
2-hour delay
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to quickly say that I hope all of you stay safe in the storm. I know the weather was getting bad when we were dismissing. I truly appreciate everyone's patience and understanding with our 3-hour early dismissal. I did want to make sure that all of you know that the NC General Assembly has given school districts the ability to have remote learning days in the event of inclement weather and schools are closed. I have no idea if schools will be closed tomorrow or in the future, however, if Johnston County Schools were to close schools and announce a remote learning day, our teachers will send a message via Rooms with information on what students can do from home. As a precaution, I have asked our teachers to send a message this afternoon with information for you just in case schools are closed tomorrow and the county decides it is a remote learning day. Again, there has NOT been a decision to close schools, but I wanted you all to know the plan in case a decision would be made for tomorrow or anytime in the future. Thank you for you time and I hope all of your stay safe this evening!
10 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School with some important information. First of all, I wanted to say Happy New Year to all of you. I was so excited to see of our students and staff back from our break. I am excited about 2024 at Thanksgiving Elementary School. Tomorrow, Friday, January 5th is a school spirit day. Please wear your Thanksgiving Elementary School shirts/spirit wear or our school colors (maroon and orange) to show your school pride. We will also have spirit sticks and stickers for sale between 8:30am and 8:55am. I also wanted to let all of our parents and students know that smart watches that can text, make calls, or connect to the internet fall under our school cell phone policy. They are not to be used at school and need to be off and in the bookbags. It may be best to leave them at home. I know it may have been a gift for Christmas, but they are not allowed to be worn at school. Our carpool VIP lane raffle for the 2nd semester will begin on Friday, January 12th and continue through Saturday, January 27th. Winners will be drawn on January 29th and they can start using their passes on January 30th. We will be sending home a flyer with the students on how to purchase your raffle ticket next week. And finally, I wanted to give you some important dates for January. Our Kindergarten through 3rd grade students will begin taking their middle-of-the-year mClass benchmark assessment for Reading next week. Please make sure they get plenty of rest in the evening and are at school so we can get an accurate score of how much they have grown so far this school year. Our students and staff do not have school on Monday, January 15th in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Holiday. Our students do not have school on Thursday, January 25th or Friday, January 26th- these are teacher workdays. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
10 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. I wanted to remind you that our students have an early release day this Wednesday, December 20th at 1:55pm. Also, we do not have after school care this Wednesday, December 20th- we do not offer after school care on any early release days during the school year. Our students and staff will be out of school start Thursday, December 21st through Tuesday, January 2nd for Christmas Break. Students and staff will return to school on Wednesday, January 3rd. And finally, if you are coming to school tomorrow or Wednesday for any classroom activities, please make sure to have your ID on you. When we have a lot of parents coming at one time, we have volunteers stationed at tables to use the parent information sheets to sign in visitors. Your ID will be needed to verify that you are listed on the information sheet. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!
10 months ago, Chad Jewett
Christmas Break is just a couple of days away!🎄🎁 For students following the traditional school calendar, Wednesday, December 20, 2023 is an early release day. Then students will be out of school from Thursday, December 21, 2023 - Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Students return to school on Wednesday, January 2, 2024.
10 months ago, Johnston County Public Schools
Christmas Break
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. We have our next Thanksgiving Elementary School Spirit Night tomorrow (Tuesday, December 12th) from 4pm to 7pm at the Grocery Bag at the Percy Flower's Store. Please come by to get some food and see the Grinch and the Elf on the Shelf. A portion of the sales will be donated to our school. Next Wednesday, December 20th is an early release day. Our students will be dismissed for buses and carpool at 1:45pm. Also, we do not have after school care on December 20th; we don't have after school care on early release days. Our lost and found has grown over the past two weeks. Any unclaimed items without names will be donated on Wednesday, December 20th. If your child is missing an item, please come and look through our lost and found bins between now and next Tuesday. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
11 months ago, Chad Jewett
Good evening parents and students! This is Mr. Jewett, principal of Thanksgiving Elementary School, with some important information. Our 2nd quarter progress reports are scheduled to go home today with your child. We did have some issues with printing the progress reports from PowerSchool, so if your child did not receive their progress report today; they will have them tomorrow. I also wanted to remind you that this Saturday, December 9th is our Cookies with Santa event. This will take place from 9:30am to 11:30am in our cafeteria. Our Holiday Gift Shop will also be open if you would like to shop that as well. Please come out and join us. And finally, I wanted to remind everyone that Wednesday, December 20th is an early release day. Our students will be dismissed at 1:55pm. Our Christmas Break for students and staff will start on Thursday, December 21st and go through Tuesday, January 2nd. Students and staff will return to school on Wednesday, January 3rd. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening!
11 months ago, Chad Jewett