Spotlight on Attendance
School Day: 8:55am – 3:55pm
Students Enter Building: 8:25
If a child is absent, a note from the parent/guardian or doctor, with the following information must be provided: The child’s First and Last name, the date of absence(s), the reason for absence(s), and the child’s teacher’s name. If the child was at a doctor/dentist appointment, a note from that provider must be submitted. If the child returns from an absence, and a note is not provided, the absence will remain
Excused absences include:
Illness or injury
Death in the immediate family
Medical or dental appointment
Court or Administrative Proceedings
Religious Observance
Educational Opportunity
Unexcused Absences include any reason other than those listed under Excused Absences above and reasons such as car problems, out of town, weather, missing the bus, oversleeping, babysitting, parent was sick, etc.
All Educational Trips must have teacher and principal prior approval at least 5 days before a trip. You may request a Family Sponsored Trip Form from the child’s teacher, pick one up in the office, or print it from the school website. If a Family Sponsored Trip Form is not submitted and approved, the absence will be **Note: See form for all requirements.
Students are required to be signed in at the office if they arrive after the tardy bell. If a student is not in the classroom by 8:50am, they will be marked absent and must be checked in at the office by an adult.
Students are expected to remain in school for the entire instructional day. Please limit tardiness and early dismissals as they will be excused for emergencies only.
PowerSchool Parent Portal is a helpful tool for monitoring your child’s attendance. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
If your child accumulates 10 of more unexcused absences, the parent/guardian may be required to go before TIP and/or court. Please review TIP (Truancy Intervention Partnership and the N.C. Compulsory Attendance Lawful (G.S.-115C-378) which can be found on the Johnston County Public Schools website, the WCES school website, or call the school to request the information.
If absences from class exceed four (4) per nine weeks, eight (8) per semester or sixteen (16) per year, grades can be affected, regardless of the reasons for the absence per JCPS Board Policy 4110.
Please help us to help your child be successful in school by encouraging them to attend school regularly, be on time, and by limiting early dismissals.