JCPS will operate on a 3 hour early dismissal schedule today, January 9th. RDE dismissal will be at 12:55. There is no YMCA after school care. All JCPS evening activities cancelled.
Christmas Break is just a couple of days away!🎄🎁
For students following the traditional school calendar, Wednesday, December 20, 2023 is an early release day. Then students will be out of school from Thursday, December 21, 2023 - Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Students return to school on Wednesday, January 2, 2024.
The annual RDE Holiday Festival is this Saturday from 11-2! Check out all the amazing things we'll have going on. We're still looking for volunteers and donations.
Sign up here:
Check out our RDE Holiday Activity Calendar. Activities begin on Tuesday, December 5th.
Only 3 more days to order! Don't miss out on stocking up for the holidays!
PTA will be hosting Spirit Night @ HWY 55 on December 5th and 19th.
During the week of December 4th-8th, students will shop at the Merry Grinchmas Holiday Shop. This provides students the opportunity to shop for family members and friends.
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, all JCPS campuses will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Friday, Nov. 24. 🦃
Your voice matters!
JCPS is partnering with Research Triangle Institute to help create our new strategic plan and we need YOUR INPUT to shape our vision for schools, students, and families!
Today is the last day to make your voice heard! Complete the community questionnaire here:
JCPS wants to thank all Johnston County veterans who have served in the US Armed Forces! We are forever grateful to you for your unwavering commitment and dedication to the United States. Thank you!🇺🇸
Your voice matters!
JCPS is partnering with RTI to help create our new strategic plan and we need YOUR INPUT to shape our vision for schools, students, and families.
Click here to complete the community questionnaire:
Did someone say Trick or Treat?!
It's Halloween, and we want to make sure everyone has fun, while staying safe . Check out these tips!👻
A reminder to all families of the importance of emailing Nichole Elliott in our front office if there are any transportation changes for your child. We want to make sure that everyone knows that this is the procedure we use schoolwide at River Dell to ensure everyone - students, teachers, and office staff, are aware of any changes in how your child is going home. Please email her at with any updates. We ask that you do this rather than sending a message to the teacher, as Ms. Elliott will let the teacher and student know. Our classroom teachers are very busy teaching during the day, and may not have time to let office staff know. Thank you for following this process so we can ensure everyone is alerted of these changes and your children get home safely. Along with this, we want to remind parents that if they ever see a student at a bus stop in the morning that has missed their bus pick up, or a student in the afternoon waiting by themselves without a parent present, we ask that you please call our front office at 919-553-1977 so that we can get in touch with family members ASAP. Thank you for helping us keep our River Dell Racers safe at all times.
This week has been going really well so far. Students are getting so excited for our Fun Run event on Friday. They look forward to hearing class and school progress each day. Each day has a leadership and character focus word, and students have been watching daily videos about these focus words. So far, students have learned about Kindness and Empathy, Wednesday they will learn about Respect and Thursday they will learn about Inclusion.
Red Ribbon Week is also going great. Students have enjoyed the different theme days. Wednesday is "Turn Your Back on Drugs" and we are encouraging students and staff to wear their clothes backwards. Thursday is "Hats off to being Drug Free" and we invite everyone to wear a hat to school that day!
If you have not connected with your child's teachers on the Rooms app, or if you are having difficulty connecting, reach out to them through email or call to leave a message and they will get back with you to assist you with this.
A reminder to stay in the right carpool lane on the curvy driveway through 8:15 or 8:20 each morning so that our teachers, staff, and JCPS staff can enter the parking lot to park each morning. Thanks for your cooperation with this.
Another reminder that students will not be able to be checked out after 3:15 each day. If you arrive at or after 3:15, you should wait in the carpool line for pick up.
Also, if your child is absent you are more than welcome to send an email to their teacher sharing reason for the absence. On that email please also include our data manager Mrs. Kayla Williams. Her email address is: This will ensure that the absences are coded correctly as quickly as possible. If you have received a doctor's note for your child's absence, you can take a picture of it with your phone and email it to them as well.
Students are getting ready for Red Ribbon Week® 2023, Oct. 23-27! This year’s theme is "Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free."
JCPS believes in a drug free future for all of it students! Here are some fun activities the celebration going all week long, as we encourage everyone to pledge to live drug free!
#BeKindToYourMindLiveDrugFree #RedRibbonWeek
Llamando a todos los héroes: ¡En NSLW celebramos el poder del almuerzo escolar! En la búsqueda del éxito académico, las investigaciones muestran que los almuerzos escolares saludables brindan a los niños la ayuda que necesitan para sobresalir. #NSLW23 #SubedeNivelconelAlmuerzoEscolar
Today is the first day of National School Lunch Week!
This year the School Nutrition Association and JCPS are celebrating the power of school lunch! In the quest for academic success, research shows that healthy school lunches give kids the stats they need to come out on top. 🥗🍞
#NSLW23 #LevelUpWithSchoolLunch
It's a brand new week and we're still celebrating our principals! First up is Ms. Jenny Durko, Principal at River Dell Elementary! Ms. Durko is racing into her third year as a River Dell Racer, and has great enthusiasm and expectations for the school. Her passion for education makes her a strong advocate for her students and staff.
We celebrate you Ms. Durko! 🏇💙💚#NationalPrincipalsMonth
Our Book Fair is under way and it looks really amazing. We are still in need of volunteers to help out at the book fair. Sign up to volunteer at: All volunteers receive 10% off too.
Grandparents Week started today as well. We are so happy to welcome grandparents and special friends into school each day. When grandparents arrive they should head to their grandchild's classroom, then they can walk with them and enjoy lunch together in the cafeteria. After lunch, they are welcome to visit the book fair with their grandchild. Your child's assigned day for Grandparents Day is also their assigned day for the Book Fair. Even if they don't attend with a grandparent, they will go that day with their class during enhancement time. Please make sure to send any money in an envelope or baggie with your child's name and the amount written clearly on it.
Thank you to all carpool families for using the curvy road as the only entrance in the morning and afternoon. We would like to request that anyone arriving in the morning before 8:15 to please stay in the right lane so that any staff arriving by 8:15 can head into the parking lot using the left lane. Thanks for helping us out with this! Also, a reminder that afternoon carpool ends at 4:15 each day. Please be on campus by 4:15 to pick up your students.
If you need to speak with or meet with your child's teacher, we ask that you email or message them to see what time is available before or after school, or during their daily planning. Teachers are engaged in wonderful lessons during the day, and we don't want to interrupt learning for students during the day. Also, just a reminder that students should be walking into the building each day on their own now. We are so proud of how responsible and independent our students have been, even our youngest Racers! Also, in addition to staff positioned throughout the hallways, we have additional 5th grade Safety Patrol officers posted around school to help any students if they are in need of assistance.
All transportation changes need to be communicated with our receptionist, Ms. Nichole Elliott, by 3:00 each day. That gives her plenty of time to alert the teacher and your student about these changes.
Lastly, there is a brand new Volunteer Approval process in JCPS. Please visit to get approval to be a volunteer. Even if you have previously gone into, they are asking that you add your information to this platform for updated approval, as it will be used for the remainder of the year. This new system will also send out a reminder each July to renew your volunteer status for the upcoming school year. The link can be found on the JCPS website and JCPS app.
Let's make some noise for our teachers on #NationalTeachersDay!!!
Teachers don't just teach the students of JCPS, they inspire, motivate, mentor, and coach them. Our teachers pour their hearts and souls into their students each and every day. Teaching is a calling, and we are forever grateful to those who have answered that call, and have chosen JCPS to fulfill their purpose!