Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders for the week ahead.
We hope everyone has had a restful weekend. We are excited to begin another successful week at RDE.
On Tuesday evening we will be hosting a Girl Scout information night for any interested RDE girls. It will be at 6:00pm in the Media Center.
On Wednesday, we will host a SPIRIT NIGHT at PELICAN'S SNOBALLS on Athletic Club Blvd. from 4:00-8:00. This is a fundraiser for River Dell and a portion of all proceeds will come right back to our school. We hope to see you there!
On Thursday evening we will host our first RDE PTA MEETING at 6:00 in the Media Center. We invite all RDE parents to attend to get valuable information and updates. Childcare will be provided for all RDE students.
Carpool gets better each day, and we want to thank our parents and our RDE staff for working together to make it successful. A reminder for AM Carpool: cars are welcome to utilize both lanes on the curvy driveway and "zipper" so that lines can alternate one car then another until 8:45. Beginning at 8:45, we will only utilize the RIGHT lane, and no longer utilize the alternating "zipper" method. Thanks for your cooperation with this process. We want to keep everyone safe each and every morning.
For our afternoon Carpool, we have been ending daily at or before 4:30. Please ensure that you arrive on campus by 4:15 to pick up your students.
Also, don't forget that breakfast and lunch are free for all students each and every day. We have an AMAZING cafeteria staff and they are happy to serve our students every day.
We hope you have a great week., and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.

Good evening Racer families, this is your principal, Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders.
As we prepare to finish up our 2nd week of classes, we want to express how proud we are of ALL of our students for how hard they have been working and how much they are already learning each and every day. They have been positive, attentive, and eager and this has been so exciting to see!
If you have not signed up for ROOMS, and need assistance please call our office. This is the main form of communication that our teachers use to keep all parents updated and in the loop about what is going on at school. We need 100% of our parents to be connected as soon as possible. Thank you!
We want to remind everyone that tomorrow (Friday, September 6th) is the last day that parents can walk kindergarteners to their class in the morning. Beginning Monday, all K-5 students should walk to their classrooms independently. I assure you all that we have plenty of adults stationed in the hallways to assist students as they travel. Safety is so important to us and we will make sure they arrive where they need to be safely.
Next week we have many events coming up.
On Tuesday , September 10th, we will be hosting a Girl Scout Information Night in our Media Center at 6:00. We invite any RDE girls to attend this meeting with a parent or guardian to learn about this awesome opportunity.
Next Wednesday we will be having an RDE Spirit Night from 4:00-8:00 at the Pelican's Snoballs located in the Riverwood Community on Athletic Club Blvd. Come out and support our school while enjoying a special treat!
Next Thursday night we will have our very first PTA Meeting for the 24/25 school year at 6:00 in the RDE Media Center. We invite all parents to attend this meeting. Childcare will be provided for all school age children.
We hope everyone has a great night. We are ready for a fabulous Friday.
And as always, remember...once a Racer, always a Racer.

This week, our students will be taking the MAP Math assessment. For this assessment, students will have access to the read-aloud feature, which is available for the math section only. To use this feature, students will need to have plug-in headphones.
Please ensure your child brings a set of plug-in headphones to school. Grades 3-5 will take the math assessment on Thursday, and grades K-2 will take it on Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Just a reminder that there is no school for JCPS staff & students tomorrow in observance of Labor Day. See you on Tuesday!

Good morning from your RDE PTA! ☀️
We can't wait to welcome ALL our Kindergarten Racers this morning! Parents, don't forget to swing by Boo Hoo Breakfast after you do drop them off! We'll be waiting to celebrate with you! 💚💛

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders.
Thank you to all who have made our first few days spectacular. It has been exciting watching students and staff busy and excited to be here at school.
Morning carpool has been fantastic, and we appreciate everyone working hard to get our students in safely. As we welcome our RDE kindergarteners, carpool may run a little slower until everyone gets the hang of things, but we promise it will improve each day! Some helpful tips we wanted to share that may help make afternoon dismissal run smoothly. For our youngest Racers, please practice their first and last names with them to make sure they have that down pat. Also, let them start practicing fastening their seatbelts independently, as we try to keep all adults inside of cars if possible during carpool for safety. Again we want to give a big shout out to our carpool staff who works diligently to get students home safely each and every day.
We hope everyone has a wonderful evening and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.

Good evening Racer families, this is your principal, Ms. Durko with some reminders.
The first two days of school have been great! Lots of smiles on the faces of students and teachers alike. Everyone seems to be getting right back into the swing of things.
Kindergarten Open House last night was a big success, and we can't wait to meet our newest members of the RDE Family!
Tomorrow we welcome 1/2 of our new Kindergartners for a full day in kindergarten, and on Thursday we welcome the other 1/2 of our new Kindergarteners for their full day. Then on Friday, August 30th, ALL of our kindergarten Racers will attend their first full school day together.
Kindergarten families will be able to walk their students in this week and next, and all other 1st through 5th grade students should now be entering daily on their own. We have LOTS of helpful RDE staff throughout the building to assist students if they need help.
Tomorrow is also the first day for our PreK students at River Dell. We can't wait to see those sweet PreK smiles too!
A gentle reminder that we can't have any vehicles parking in our bus driveway as this is very dangerous for our buses and bus drivers. If you need to park, you can park in parking spaces in the parking lot or on the grass.
Another friendly reminder that students may not enter the building in the morning until 8:25am. Also, the tardy bell rings each morning at 8:55am and if students arrive after this time, an adult is REQUIRED to walk them into the office and sign them in. There are no exceptions to this rule. Thank you for your understanding.
Dismissal is at 3:55pm daily, and students cannot be checked out after 3:15pm.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
We hope everyone has a great night, and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.

Good afternoon Bus 715 parents!
If your child's bus stop is at Mal Kiosk, your child will ride the first load home. These students will leave school a little earlier so that our second load will be on time. The rest of the students will be on the second load. Thanks!!

Welcome back to school!🍎
It's the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year! Today will be full of excitement and some nerves for everyone, but we know this will be an amazing year. Here's to new adventures in learning.
Have a great day! 😎

Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders.
It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow we will welcome back all 1st through 5th graders. We wanted to remind everyone that students can begin entering the building at 8:25. This will be the earliest students can arrive all school year. We will allow parents to walk their students to class tomorrow. Starting on Tuesday, August 27th, only students will be allowed to enter the building. Parents who are volunteering or who may have a meeting are welcome to enter any day. Dismissal will be at 3:55 tomorrow and each day this school year. We will have plenty of staff in place tomorrow morning assisting in our morning and afternoon carpool lines to ensure that student arrival and dismissal goes smoothly. If you did not pick up your 24/25 carpool tag, you will need to stop into the office anytime tomorrow to get one as they will be REQUIRED for afternoon carpool pick up.
Tomorrow night, we have our Kindergarten Open House from 5:15-6:30. This is an informational Open House for all kindergarten parents. If you need to bring your children, we will provide childcare for any school age children during this event.
We are so excited to see everyone tomorrow! Remember breakfast and lunch are free for all RDE students tomorrow and everyday. Have a great night and remember...once a Racer, always a Racer.

With 1 day to go, the buzz of excitement surrounds all of JCPS! 🏫
Tomorrow morning, 1st-12th grade children on the traditional calendar will be back for the start of the 2024-2025 school year!
To answer any questions parents may have, visit the Back To School page at:
www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics .
See you in the morning!🎉

Only 2 days remain until the start of the 2024-2025 school year begins!
Monday, August 26th, 1st-12th grade children on the traditional calendar will fill the halls again. Visit the Back To School page at: www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for any last minute questions.
We can't wait! 🌟

Three days are left until students on the JCPS traditional calendar return to class! 📅
Next Monday, August 26th, 1st-12th grade children across the school district will fill the halls again.
Visit the Back To School page at:
www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for information needed to ensure your child is all set and ready to go.
See you soon!😎

Thanks for a great Open House last night! If you did not get a carpool tag last night, please stop into the office anytime today before 4:15 as you will be REQUIRED to have one to pick up your student in the afternoon on Monday. Previous year tags will not be accepted. Call the office with any questions.

Reminder: Open House 1st-5th grade TONIGHT! Last names A-L from 4:30-5:30. Last names M-Z 6:00-7:00.

The countdown continues! ⏰
Only 4 more days until JCPS schools are bustling with children. On Monday, August 26th, 1st-12th grade students on the traditional calendar return to class.
Visit www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for all things Back To School!
We can't wait to see everyone!

Hello Racer Family, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders.
We are so excited to welcome our 1st through 5th grade students for OPEN HOUSE tomorrow night, Thursday, August 22nd. Families with last names beginning with A-L are welcome to attend this floating event from 4:30-5:30, and families with last names beginning with M-Z are invited to attend anytime between 6:00 and 7:00.
During this event, you can meet your child's teacher or teachers, see their classroom, complete all JCPS Beginning of the Year paperwork, and drop off any school supplies. We also want families to visit our gym to get your carpool tags, get information about before school care as well as YMCA after school care, find out details about various girl scout and boy scout groups, as well as some other local activity groups including Tae Kwon-Do, Martial Arts, and Gymnastics. You can also join our amazing PTA, and even purchase some new RDE Spirit Wear. Remember, all students who plan to be picked up in carpool on the first day of school and after are REQUIRED to have a RDE 24/25 Carpool tag. If you do not have one, or you present one from a previous year during pick up, we will require you you to park and walk inside to check out your student. We consider safety to be a top priority at RDE, and these practices and procedures will ensure safe dismissal for all Racers. This is event is going to be amazing and you won't want to miss it. Pelicans SnoBalls will also be here for the entire event.
Teachers have made phone calls and left voicemails as well introducing themselves. If you haven't received a call or voicemail, please feel free to call the school tomorrow and we can let you know who your child's teacher is.
We hope everyone has a wonderful night and we look forward to meeting our 1st through 5th grade families tomorrow evening for Open House. As always, remember, "Once a Racer, Always a Racer", have a wonderful evening.

The countdown has begun! ⏰
Just 5 more days until the 2024-2025 school year begins. 1st-12th grade students on the traditional calendar will return to class on Monday, August 26, 2024.
Visit www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for all things Back To School!
We hope you are as excited as we are to kick off another exciting year!

The countdown has begun! ⏰
Just 5 more days until the 2024-2025 school year begins. 1st-12th grade students return to class on Monday, August 26, 2024. Visit www.johnston.k12.nc.us/backtoschoolbasics for all things Back To School!
We hope you are as excited as we are to kick off another exciting year!

Parents can now complete the beginning of the year documents digitally! 💻
We require our parents/guardians to review and sign each document for each of their students.
Please begin completing the documents today by clicking on the following link: https://bit.ly/4fPnjrr