Good evening Racer families. Tomorrow our 5th graders will be taking the science EOG. Please make sure to get lots of rest tonight and eat a good breakfast in the morning. We know you all are going to do great! Your fellow Racers will be cheering you on!
8 months ago, Jenny Durko
Racer families we have a 3 day weekend this weekend. Monday is Memorial Day & there is no school for staff or students. Enjoy, have fun, and be safe!!
8 months ago, Jenny Durko
Good evening Racer Families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders. We are so proud of all of our students that took the Reading EOG today! They worked hard, took their time, and used their skills to do their very best. Tomorrow is the MATH EOG for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. A friendly reminder to have students in the building tomorrow no later than 8:55 as the test will begin shortly thereafter. Remember to get a good night's rest, give big hugs and lots of encouragement, and eat a good breakfast in the morning. Breakfast is always free at RDE for all students in all grades. Our students and teachers have worked hard and we can't wait for them to show off their Math Skills tomorrow! We hope everyone has a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer Families, this is Ms. Durko with some important reminders. Tomorrow is the Reading EOG for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Our students are READY and they are going to do an amazing job! In walking around and going into classrooms, it is so obvious that they are excited and ready to go! I am confident in our students and can't wait for them to show off their skills! Please make sure that your child arrives on campus before the tardy bell at 8:55. Remember to get a good night's rest tonight, give them lots of big hugs and big encouragement, and a good breakfast tomorrow morning. As a reminder, breakfast is free for ALL students at RDE. We hope everyone has a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer Families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders for the week ahead. We continue with our spirit activities leading up to the EOG this week. Monday is "We are all geniuses! Wear jeans!". Tuesday is "Don’t sweat these tests. Wear athletic or exercise apparel." And Wednesday is "We’ve got test-taking down to a T! Wear your favorite t-shirt!" I also wanted to make sure to let you all know that although we cancelled Field Day due to weather conditions, Mrs. Mullins has been doing some of the fun field day activities each week with classes. The EOG's (End of Grade Tests) are coming up for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The schedule is as follows: Thursday, 5/23 is the READING EOG, Friday, 5/24 is the MATH EOG, and all 5th graders will also take the SCIENCE EOG on Wednesday 5/29. Please make sure that students get plenty of rest before these test days, eat a good breakfast at home or at school, and arrive on time. If students arrive late on any of those testing days, they may have to take the test in another, less familiar location instead of their normal testing location, so arriving between 8:25 and 8:55 is extremely important. Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day and there is no school for students or staff. We hope everyone has a wonderful week and remember, Once a Racer, always a Racer. Have a good evening.
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer Families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders. As we get closer and closer to the end of our school year, please be reminded of our arrival time each morning. Students can begin coming on campus in carpool at 8:25. The tardy bell rings at 8:55. We want to try to have all students in their classrooms by the time the tardy bell rings at 8:55 each morning. Also, we have gotten another reminder from our neighbors at River Dell Townes which is the neighborhood nextdoor to our school. Please do not park on the sidewalks in the morning or the afternoon, and also do not park in resident parking in the morning or afternoon. They have informed us that if this continues, towing may be enforced for violators. Thanks for your attention to this. Spirit Week has been going great so far! Tomorrow is "Cozy up and work hard" day. We encourage everyone to wear their comfy pj's to school tomorrow. Also, we will be doing a Caps for a Cause event again tomorrow. You can wear your PJ's for free, and for $1.00 you can wear a hat as well and support a Racer family in need. We hope everyone has a wonderful night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
PTA Meeting tonight at 6:00pm!
8 months ago, Jenny Durko
PTA Meeting Tonight at 6:00
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders for the week ahead. First of all, we want to thank everyone who participated in our special Caps and PJ Bottoms for a Cause event on Friday. 100% of the funds we raised will go to help a very special Racer in need. Thank you for your generosity. We are Racer Strong! We want to thank all of our families as well as our PTA for celebrating our teachers and staff last week during Teacher Appreciation Week. We truly have the best staff and they are so deserving! This week we will begin having special spirit days to gear up for the upcoming EOG's. You should have received a flyer on Friday listing out each day. We will also post it to our River Dell Facebook page. Tomorrow, Monday, is "Show your RDE pride! Wear green or an RDE shirt." On Tuesday, May 14th, there will be a PTA meeting at 6:00pm in the RDE Media Center. We will be holding PTA elections that evening as well. We hope to see lots of Racer families in attendance. We hope everyone has a wonderful week. Remember, once a Racer, always a Racer. Have a good night.
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
FYI: The sirens/squad cars are here as our sweet student Noelle’s escort…there is no emergency. Park if you come to pick up a student.
8 months ago, Jenny Durko
We have a part of our Racer family that is in need of our support. We hope lots of Racers take part in the Caps and PJ bottoms for a cause event tomorrow! Just $1 to wear a hat and/or PJ bottoms for the day. All proceeds will go to the family in need. Thanks Racers, and have a great night!
8 months ago, Jenny Durko
Caps/PJ Bottoms for a Cause Tomorrow!
Good evening 5th grade parents! There is a 5th Grade party parent meeting TONIGHT: Thursday, May 9 · 6:00 – 7:00pm Here is the Google Meet Video call link: Hope see you all there!
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
This Friday we will be having a Caps and PJ bottoms for a cause event. All staff and students are encouraged to wear hats and/or PJ bottoms for one dollar. All proceeds will go to an RDE family in need.
8 months ago, Jenny Durko
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some reminders for the week. This Tuesday, 4th quarter Progress Reports will be coming home with all students. Please look over these carefully and contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. This week is a very special week. It is "Teacher Appreciation Week" and we want to take time this week to celebrate our amazing RDE Teachers and staff for all they do each and every day for the students at River Dell. I firmly believe the teachers we have at River Dell are the best of the best. They are gifted not only at bringing academic lessons to life each and every day, but also building genuine, authentic relationships with the students at RDE. The care and concern they have for our students is unmatched. The time they spend during the day as well as the countless hours they spend before and after school preparing to meet each student's needs does not go unnoticed. Please take time this week to share your appreciation for all they do to make River Dell the most amazing school. I feel lucky to be surrounded by such dedicated professionals who lead with their hearts every single day. We hope everyone has a great week and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer. Have a good night.
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Hello Racer Families! We need your help!!!! We are in need of proctors to help us during the End of Grade test for third, fourth and fifth grade on May 23rd, May 24th and May 29th! If you are able to help us, please click the link below to sign up and to do the QUICK training!! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Mrs. Mapp!
8 months ago, River Dell Elementary
There is a VIRTUAL meeting at 6:00 for any parents helping to plan/volunteer for the 5th Grade End of Year Party/Celebration. Here is the link: Tomorrow is the final day for the Book Fair. It is also Breakfast with a Buddy for our 5th grade students. Have a great night!
9 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Good evening Racer families. Just a reminder that tomorrow is Breakfast with a Buddy for 2nd grade beginning at 8:00am. Also tomorrow night is our Book Fair Family Night from 4:00-7:00. Sunset Slush will be on campus as well for a sweet treat after your book fair visit. We hope everyone has a great night and remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
9 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Good evening Racer families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders for the week. This week we will continue our BREAKFAST WITH A BUDDY event. Each morning, beginning at 8:00am, students in scheduled grade levels are invited to bring a parent, grandparent, or special friend to share donuts for breakfast in our cafeteria and then escort them to their classrooms to drop them off for the day. Please park in the front parking lot for this event. The schedule for Breakfast with a Buddy is as follows: Monday, April 22nd - 1st Grade and EC, Tuesday, April 23rd - 2nd Grade, Wednesday, April 24th - 3rd Grade, Thursday, April 25th - 4th Grade, and Friday, April 26th - 5th Grade. Our Book Fair began last Thursday and it has been going great! Every homeroom teacher should have shared a schedule on the Rooms app. This schedule is also posted on the River Dell Facebook page and the River Dell Website. Students will attend the Book Fair during their enhancement time on their scheduled day. If possible, please send any money to be spent at the Book Fair in an envelope or baggie with the student's name on it, as well as the amount included. We also have a Book Fair FAMILY NIGHT on Tuesday, April 23rd from 4:00-7:30. Sunset Slush will be here on campus for Family Night as well. On Wednesday, April 24th, our PTA will be selling Spirit Sticks and stickers in the morning before school. Spirit Sticks are $1.00 each. Wednesday is also National Administrative Professionals Day. We want to give a huge shout out to our AMAZING office staff who works hard to steer our RDE ship daily. We are thankful to have such a great team. Our schoolwide Read-A-Thon also begins tomorrow, April 22nd. Look for a reading log in your child's backpack. Our focus this year has been encouraging a love and a passion for reading in ALL of our students in EVERY grade level. We have a school goal to read 500,000 minutes. If our school reaches this goal, I will happily be taking a pie in the face. There will be other incentives as well like popsicles for everyone and special reading bracelets for each student as well. We are looking forward to this super cool Read-A Thon! Remember we have a short amount of time left this year. We encourage everyone to arrive on time each morning and stay until the end of the day. We want students to be able to soak up every bit of learning during the day. They are growing and accomplishing so much, and we are so proud of them all! Let's make these next weeks the very best! We hope everyone has a great week. Remember, once a Racer, always a Racer.
9 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Good evening Racer Families, this is Ms. Durko with some announcements and reminders. First of all we want to remind everyone that carpool ends each morning at 8:55, as that is when our tardy bell rings. If you arrive after this time, and there are no staff members outside, please walk your child into the building to check them in. We are in the last weeks of this school year and every moment counts. Unless your student has a doctor or medical appointment, we respectfully request that you refrain from checking them out early whenever possible. Teachers are teaching up until dismissal time at 3:55 each day, and we want students to benefit as much as possible from these lessons as we wrap up the year. Tomorrow, Thursday April 18th we want to celebrate AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH by wearing blue. We also have some of our students participating in the Johnston County Schools Special Olympics tomorrow and we wish them the best of luck. Have a great time! Friday is Caps and PJ Bottoms for a Cause Day, and students can wear a hat and/or PJ bottoms for $1.00. All funds collected go to RDE families in need. This Friday also begins our "BREAKFAST WITH A BUDDY" event. Each morning, beginning at 8:00am, students in scheduled grade levels are invited to bring a parent, grandparent, or special friend to share donuts for breakfast in our cafeteria and then escort them to their classrooms to drop them off for the day. Please park in the front parking lot for this event. The schedule for Breakfast with a Buddy is as follows: Friday, April 19th - PreK and Kindergarten, Monday, April 22nd - 1st Grade and EC, Tuesday, April 23rd - 2nd Grade, Wednesday, April 24th - 3rd Grade, Thursday, April 25th - 4th Grade, and Friday, April 26th - 5th Grade. Our Book Fair begins tomorrow, Thursday, April 18th. Every homeroom teacher will be sharing a schedule on the Rooms app. This schedule is also posted on the River Dell Facebook page and the River Dell Website. Students will attend during their enhancement time on their scheduled day. If possible, please send any money to be spent at the Book Fair in an envelope or baggie with the student's name on it, as well as the amount. We also have a Book Fair FAMILY NIGHT on Tuesday, April 23rd from 4:00-7:30. Sunset Slush will be here on campus for Family Night as well. We hope everyone has a great week. Remember once a Racer, always a Racer.
9 months ago, River Dell Elementary
Breakfast with a Buddy is April 19th-26th. Enjoy a complimentary breakfast as we honor the buddies who help make our students be the best they can be! Please refer to the image for additional information.
9 months ago, River Dell Elementary
breakfast schedule
Our Book Fair is April 18th through the 26th. Please refer to the image to see when your child's class will visit the book fair. The book fair will be open for shopping from 8:00 to 8:45 each morning. Please click below to sign up and volunteer to help at our book fair. Thank you for your support!
9 months ago, River Dell Elementary
space book fair schedule